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飞思科技产品研发中心。FECIT Technological Product Research Center.

技术合作是关键的因素之一。Technological cooperation is one of the keys.

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技术创新,必须以用户为中心!Technological innovation, must be user-centric!

我们应该把大量资金投入技术项目。We should pump fund into technological projects.

蜜蜂还能超常执行大多数技术性解决方案。Bees also out-perform most technological solutions.

⑥科技知识更新快。Scientific and technological knowledge update fast.

毕竟,他们是视觉和技术天才。After all, they’re visual and technological geniuses.

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我们生活在一个科技不断进步的时代。We live in a time of great technological advancements.

中国对非洲的援助不仅仅限于工艺技术。China's aid to Africa extends beyond the technological.

其中四项获孝感市科技进步奖。Four of them were Xiaogan technological progress award.

人体体型分析是P-MTM生产中的一个关键环节。Body shape analysis is a key technological step in P-MTM.

大成道,南洋理工大学,新加坡。Dacheng Tao, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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这些职业工种因技术的发展而变得多馀。The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance.

这正是技术乌托邦所犯下的错误。This is the kind of error that technological utopians make.

每一次像样的技术性崩溃事件都应该有个专属新词。Every decent technological meltdown deserves its own neologism

力求在体制创新、技术创新方面有所突破。Strive for breakthrough in system and technological innovation.

我们将投入一切可能的技术努力到这架飞机中。We have put all possible technological efforts into this plane.

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他这会儿在学校,巴拿马科技大学。He’s at school right now. The Technological University of Panama.

探讨了喷水推进的关键技术。Key technological problems about waterjet propulsion are proposed.

现代化成功,要靠技术革新运动。Technological revolution is a key to the success of modernization.