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我属于同意这一点的少数派。I'm in the minority in this.

但看起来我只是少数人中的一个。I seem to be in the minority.

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抱怨人群是少数的么?Are the complainers a minority?

他们明显于少数。They are in a decided minority.

巴克利显然属于少数。Buckley was in a clear minority.

我们已经属于少数派了。Well, we are already in a minority.

极少数人反对这个计划。A tiny minority objected to the plan.

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在各方面他都与其希腊邻居不一样,他就应该是少数民族。In each case, he would be a minority.

但是这种观点使他成为了少数派。But that view places him in a minority.

热固性塑料在今天可能仅占少数。Thermosets may be in the minority today.

米加熊市论者仍占少数。“Mega-bears” are still a small minority.

少数的女性观看色清影像。A minority of women do watch visual porn.

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布依族是我国南方的少数民族。Bouyei is the southern minority in China.

毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi.

这种人当然占少数。Such persons are certainly in the minority.

我的那名越南朋友是京族。My Vietnam friend is a Jing minority person.

少数服从多数。The minority is subordinate to the majority.

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数量上达数百万之众的少数派比比皆是。A minority of millions is not at all unusual.

委员会会长缺任时,便由副会长代理职务。Minority of board member opposed the chairman.

米奇。麦克奈尔是参议院少数派领导。Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader.