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女童军是忠心的。Girl Scout is loyal.

女童军是忠心的。A Girl Scout is loyal.

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我们忠于我们的党。We are loyal to our Party.

他们会拜服在你的法力下。I'll be always loyal to you.

但J。会是个忠实的士兵吗?But will J. be a loyal soldier?

我们忠于祖国。We are loyal to our motherland.

他是一个好朋友,非常的衷诚。She's a good friend, very loyal.

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他对党无限忠诚。He was always loyal to the Party.

自始至终,这都是一个忠诚、可靠的爱。It was a loyal and reliable love.

这间酒吧有许多忠实的老主顾。This pub has many loyal customers.

我们要忠于祖国。We should be loyal to our country.

她的母亲也是个忠诚的干部。Her mother was another loyal cadre.

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我们必须忠于祖国。We must be loyal to our motherland.

他对党无限忠诚。He is loyal to the Party faithfully.

我是金光飞航的忠实顾客。I am the loyal customer of CotaiJet.

然后他们就总会死心塌地的效忠于他了。Then they will always be loyal to him.

白羊座忠于家庭和朋友。Arians are loyal to family and friends.

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建立忠诚顾客数据库。Establish databanks of loyal customers.

士兵们忠于他们的国家。The soldiers are loyal to their country.

咱们都以为他对同伙忠厚。We all consider him loyal to his friends.