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我的猫咪不见了。I lost my cat.

我把钥匙弄丢了。I lost the key.

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并非全失。All is not lost.

他赌输了。He lost the bet.

我真的是都听不懂了。I'm really lost.

我把钥匙掉了。I've lost my key.

我丢掉了一支笔。I've lost my pen.

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我们丢掉了锐气。We lost our edge.

我的军帽可掉了。I had lost my cap.

我死心了。I have lost heart.

我失去了我的兄弟。I lost my brother.

我的书遗失了。I've lost my book.

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我的背包丢了。I lost my backpack.

我遗失了我的耳环。I lost my ear-ring.

难道一切都毫无疑问地丧失殆尽了吗?Surely all is lost?

可是,他们赌输了。They lost that bet.

我们损失了金钱,但是吃一堑长一智,我们会成功的。We lost money here.

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无法再控制自己了He lost his control.

我掉了认领标签了。I lost my claim tag.

我们就是这样迷路的。That is how we lost.