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波顿大人打开羊皮纸。Lord Bolton unrolled the parchment.

我10岁就去参加了在博尔顿的训练。I went on trial to Bolton when I was 10.

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目前的博尔顿队既说不上太好也说不上太坏。It is either very good or very bad with Bolton.

斯图里奇是切尔西租借给博尔顿的。Daniel Sturridge was loaned to Bolton this season.


特里严密的防守让博尔顿哑然失色。In defence, John Terry's valiant display kept Bolton out.

我不觉得我们胜了搏尔顿后事情会有所转变。And I don't think the win over Bolton will change any of that.

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我只希望范佩西能在两周内回来,赶上对博尔顿的比赛。I just hope Van Persie is back for the Bolton match in two weeks.

德尼尔森回到了球队,他将可以在博尔顿比赛上场。Denilson is back in the squad and he will be available for Bolton.

博尔顿在下半场严密防守,而切尔西亦无板斧破解。Bolton defend deep in the second-half and Chelsea run out of ideas.

波顿是一位天才的基金经理,但他不会说汉语。Mr Bolton is a talented stock-picker, but he does not speak Chinese.

大家对加拉斯在对阵博尔顿的比赛中那次犯规出离愤怒。The furor over Gallas's tackle after the Bolton game was incredible.

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奥列芬特在此不动声色地暗示,伯尔顿是个思想狭隘的狂热分子。Oliphant is quietly suggesting that Bolton is a narrow-minded zealot.

基里亚科斯八月面对博尔顿上演他的利物浦处子秀。Sotirios Kyrgiakos made his Liverpool debut at Bolton back in August.

在葛迪逊公园球场两度落后下以三比二反胜保顿。They twice came from a goal down to beat Bolton 3-2 at Goodison Park.

柯伊尔将鼓励球队多运用技术,而不仅仅依靠定位球得分。Coyle will encourage Bolton to become more than just a set-piece team.

一旦我们在博尔顿首开纪录,胜利是毫无疑问的。Once we got the first goal against Bolton the result was never in doubt.

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Bolton大使赞成的在过去362年中的一个奇迹就在那里。One wonders just where Ambassador Bolton has been for the past 362 years.

博尔顿对正在考虑为拉齐奥的中场球员奥斯马尼·达博的转会。Bolton Wanderers are considering a move for Lazio midfielder Ousmane Dabo.

而在本赛季,利物浦仅仅在同博尔顿的比赛中获得了唯一的一场胜利。This term they have only achieved that feat once, away at Bolton Wanderers.