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人生百态,爱恨情仇。Attitudes of life, love his concubine.

基甸的妾在示剑所生的儿子。Son of Gideon by a concubine in Shechem.

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我的爱妾是世界上最动人的花。My concubine is the best flower in the world.

庄妃是历史名人,而且是科尔沁左翼中旗人。Zhuang concubine is a famous person of history.

从今天开始,她就是他的侧妃了。Since today, she be his side imperial concubine.

“妃子笑”的故事发生在什么时候?When did the story about Smiling Concubine happen?

这么点儿钱我怎么能养小呢?How can I afford a concubine with such little money?

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他有很多妻妾,三个老婆、6个儿子。Rich and prosperous a concubine third wife, six sons.

第二,淑妃犯了禁忌有罪!The second, the Shu imperial concubine made taboo guilty!

有一个有老婆的人,有一天又娶了一个小老婆。Have a person that has wife, married a concubine again one day.

陈姨太也回到了她的年老的母亲那里。His concubine , Mistress Chen, was visiting with her old mother.

她是皇帝的倢伃,十分受皇帝宠信。She is an imperial concubine and one of the emperor's favorites.

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小老婆入门的第一天晚上,他喝了白酒。The first day of concubine introduction night, he drank alcohol.

妾通常是一个有钱有势男人才有的小老婆。A concubine is a mistress, traditionally of a rich and powerful man.

得,乌雅氏也把德妃扯进来了。Get, black Ya Shi likewise pulled chaste royal concubine to come in.

他不能给她幸福,他不能让她做个幸福小女人。He cannot give her to be happy, he cannot let her be a happy concubine.

刘询承皇位以后,立许妃做皇后。After Liu Xun ascended the throne, he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen.

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杨贵妃的体态充盈,是个唐代的美人。The high-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty.

这就是李隆基送给妃子杨玉环的温泉浴池。This is the hot spring bathing pool Li Longji gave his concubine Yang Yuhuan.

白毛鬼当着显祖的面吸他妃子的血。White hairs ghosts in front of the show face to suck the blood of his concubine.