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秋香,你太冲动了!Chou-heung, you are too impulsive.

彼得容易冲动,脾气暴躁Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered

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我是有激情的冲动型女人。I'm a passionate and impulsive woman.

后来他懊悔凭冲动作出的决定。He later regretted his impulsive decision.

我假设这个孩子也是容易冲动的。I'm assuming this child also is impulsive.

我要怎样才能更冲动、更有赤子之心呢?How can I become more impulsive and childlike?

而其余的人则易冲动,情绪不稳定。The rest were impulsive and emotionally unstable.

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这一特点在冲动型消费者中表现得最为突出。This feature is most prominent in impulsive consumers.

他上赛季还是个愣头青,”他说。He was quite an impulsive young boy last season, " he said."

在那冲动的戏剧中,身体的种种激情引导着舞蹈。In that impulsive drama the physical passions lead the dance.

等边金字塔,简洁有力,视觉冲击力很强。Equilateral pyramid, concise power, an impulsive force of view.

他们自我控制力低下,很容易走神或者冲动。They have low self-control, are easily distracted and impulsive.

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我们在看的时候,内心的冲动与阐释会逃离闪进镜头的光芒。When we saw them, impulsive narration escaped from the flashlights.

需要一直看管着一个易冲动的三岁小孩是很费力的。An impulsive three-year-old who needs constant supervision is taxing.

那个黑凳子就站在那里使我们想起那次的冲动购物。And the black stool sat there reminding us of the impulsive purchase.

冲动性行为是不同类型药物依赖者的共同特征。The impulsive behavior is a common feature of different drug addicts.

学生们都惶恐不已,叶璐请求牛成不要太冲动。All the students panicked, Ye Lu request cattle into not too impulsive.

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本文对阶跃载荷和冲击载荷给出了几个例子。Examples are given for both cases of step-loading and impulsive loading.

获救的左先生称,这次旅行过于冲动、冒失,颇感后悔。Rescued left, said this trip is too impulsive and bold, rather regret it.

Gruber说吸食者也远比非吸食者更容易冲动。Gruber says the smokers were also far more impulsive than the non-smokers.