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是的,请给我椰子汁儿。Yes, cocoanut juice, please.

为什么椰子壳上总会有一个软的部位?Why Is There Always a Soft Spot in a Cocoanut Shell?

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在猿群中散步遭到的报应就是冷不丁一颗椰子砸在你头上。The penalty of walking among apes is an occasional cocoanut shot at your head.

我们宅园里的每一棵椰子树,从我看来都有其与众不同的性格。Each one of the cocoanut trees in our garden had for me a distinct personality.

这就明白了椰子壳里为啥有汁液,动物的胸脯上为啥没毛。That explains the milk in the cocoanut and absence of hair on the animal's chest.

仿佛为了表示歉意的回报,她拿起椰子摇了摇,看看它是否有椰子汁。As a compromise, she picked up the cocoanut and shook it, to see if it had any milk.

对椰子的产量、品种及产品开发进行了评述。The output, sorts of the cocoanut and the development of the products were also included.

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我的目光首先落在内花园较远一边的一排椰子树上。My glance first falls on the row of cocoanut trees on the further edge of our inner garden.

它里面有一棵象椽树,两棵不同种类的李树,一行椰子树。Its properties consisted of a citron tree, a couple of plum trees of different varieties, and a row of cocoanut trees.

活性炭是由椰子壳制成的圆柱状颗粒,吸附能力强,可配合金属框做成过滤器,通用性好,结构坚固可拆卸,方便更换滤材与达到外框重复利用的目的,经济性能高。The activated carbon which is made from the cocoanut shell , is column granule. It can be made into the filter, matching with the metal frame.

介绍了以麦麸、豆渣、玉米芯、椰子渣、蔗渣为原料制备膳食纤维技术及其生理功能。Preparation techniques and physiological actions of the dietary fibers from wheat bran, bean residue, corncob, cocoanut residue, bagasse are introduced.

介绍了以麦麸、豆渣、玉米芯、椰子渣、蔗渣为原料制备膳食纤维技术及其生理功能。Preparation techniques and physiological actions of the dietary fibers from wheat bran, beau residue, corncob, cocoanut residue, bagasse are introduced.

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叙述了椰子生产国第35届技术会议概况、报告内容、专题讨论,以及椰子油的发展和趋势。The brief introduction of 35th cocoanut producer seminar, the reports, the topic discussion as well as the development and trends of cocoanut oil were related in this paper.

采用衍生化—萃取法处理含糖样品,毛细管气相色谱测定糖的方法,测定了椰子壳水解液中糖的含量。The sugar content in the hydrolysate of cocoanut shell is determined by treating samples containing sugar with derivatization extraction method and capillary gas chromatography.