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这种倾诉是必要的,也是有好处的。Confiding is necessary and good to people.

但很快,他又装出一副让人信任的语气来。But soon he again assumed a confiding tone.

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且让我们先来听听这些朋友的倾诉吧。Now, let us listen to these their confiding.

你会经常找到信赖你的人。You will often find people confiding in you.

我不知道是什么原因使我开始信任她。I don't know what made me start confiding in her.

彼此亲近、分享秘密,对于男孩女孩都变得十分重要。Closeness, sharing, and confiding become more important to both guys and girls.

在好友小珍的帮助下,青红为爱和独立作斗争。Confiding in her best friend Xiao Zhen, Qinghong strives for love and independence.

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阿尔巴托夫显出一副尴尬相,装得很到家,像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事。Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.

小心挑选值得信任的人,不过千万别怕信赖你真正的朋友。Be careful of whom you trust, but you should never fear confiding in your true friend.

那么什么是最需要的人谁叫你明明知道不能帮到你?So what is the need of confiding in someone whom you know very well cannot be of help to you?

“娜塔莎,你是爱我的,”她以轻细的、信任的口气说,“娜塔莎,你不会骗我吧?"Natasha, you love me, " she said, in a soft, confiding whisper. "Natasha, you won't deceive me?

阿尔巴托夫显出一副尴尬相,装得很到家,像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事。Arbatov feigned embarrassment beautifully, speaking as though he were confiding a great family secret.

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在8-9岁的时候,我们的孩子就开始独立于母亲,并且更加信任朋友。As early as eight or nine our kids start pulling away and confiding in friends more than their mothers.

写日记,和信任的朋友倾述将帮助你和自己的感受保持相通。Keeping a private journal and confiding in trusted friends will help you stay in touch with your feelings.

这本书是写仿佛倾诉劳拉曼森是直接向你和你和她是好朋友。The book is written as if Laura Munson is confiding directly to you and that you and she are good friends.

他很文明,自立,而且友好,和遇见的每一个人分享他的人生细节和玩具。He is civilised, self-reliant and friendly, confiding details about his life and toys to everyone he meets.

这是现代人减压的好方法,倾诉,成了人类情感的需要。These are the way to relieve one's stress in modern times. Confiding has become one necessity of people's emotion.

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找到你的心,给予你女儿你全部的爱,然后成为一个别人愿意向你倾诉的家长。Find your heart, give your daughter all the love you have for her, and become a person in whom others feel safe confiding.

我不知道是什么原因使我开始信任她。她毕竟只是一个萍水友伴,一个我在坐火车途中相遇的人。I don't know what made me start confiding in her. She was a chance acquaintance, after all, someone I'd met on a train journey.

如果其中的两个人或三个人在一起谈心或说笑话,总还有一个人能和其他人做伴。If two or three women begin confiding in each other or sharing a joke there is always another person for the others to talk to.