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我立誓写作时非常年轻。I made a vow to writing, very young.

这是一个公众耻感的誓言,仅仅为了一个人。A vow of public humiliation, for one.

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发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香。Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance.

发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明。Vow to be a streetlight showing the way.

发愿作一个冬阳,温暖大地,成熟万物。Vow to be the winter sun shedding warmth.

我为你将展尽辩才反对自己。For thee, against my self I'll vow debate.

所以现在,戴着桂冠的女神,我在此立下誓言。So now , crowned goddess, I make this vow.

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但是她尽了接待者最庄严的义务。But she'd taken a solemn vow of hospitality.

我宣过誓,我希望我永远也不会违背这个誓言。I vowed and I hope I shall never break that vow.

我今见闻得受持,愿解如来真实义。And I vow to fathom the Tathagata's true meaning.

令人吃惊的是,乌沙克利吉尔一直对她与凯末尔的私生活保持着沉默。To the surprise of many, she kept a vow of silence.

我们互许海誓山盟,以吻封住誓言。Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss.

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有些宗教修会的人发誓不结婚。People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy.

他们以宣誓来表示他们对领袖的忠诚。They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.

上校,这些人发过毒誓要一辈子单身。Colonel, these men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy.

像度母一样,她发愿常转世为女身利益众生。Like Tara, she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.

发愿作一支画笔,采绘世界,增添美丽。Vow to be an artist's brush adding to the world's beauty.

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尽管困难重重,一些督察仍然坚持战斗着。Despite these problems, some inspectors vow to keep on fighting.

我将永不会做一个苦行僧,如果她不和我一同去受戒。I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me.

随后,布什总统誓言美国将继续与伊拉克站在一起。Mr. Bush went on to vow America will continue to stand with Iraq.