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他们强制顺从。They enforce conformity.

人民警察必须做到公正执法。Police must enforce law justly.

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我们都缺乏强制力We can't let the courts enforce it.

他们怎么能用强制力约束合同How do they enforce their contracts?

希望执行多租用者部署。To enforce multi-tenant deployments.

我们在过程中执行决策权。We enforce decision rights in processes.

另外一半是强迫执行这些规则。The other half is to enforce those rules.

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你执法当然要警官证了!You should have police ID to enforce the law.

他们怎么通过强制力约束合同的How do they manage to enforce those contracts?

在此执行四眼原则非常有用。It is useful to enforce the four-eyes principle.

但是非盟没有使这些决定得以实施的手段。But the AU has no way to enforce those decisions.

执行健康的作息时间——对自己也要对孩子。Enforce healthy bedtimes -- for you and the kids.

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恢复处理会强制执行该结果。The recovery processing will enforce the outcome.

只有本协议签约方有权履行本协议。Only the parties to this Agreement may enforce it.

我们建议您严格执行这个实践。We recommend that you enforce this practice rigidly.

甚至三岁的孩子也会乐于执行社会规范。Even 3-year-olds are willing to enforce social norms.

所以这些国家为了筹集资金,必须加强税收So, in order to raise money, you have to enforce taxes.

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对所有应用程序代码执行严格的代码检查。Enforce rigorous code inspections of all application code.

难道实行这条诫命还需要使用暴力吗?Is there any need to enforce that commandment by violence?

行政执法人员应当秉公执法。Administrative law enforcers shall enforce law impartially.