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接下来我们会看到最有创新性和原创的机箱设计。This post showcases the most creative and original case mods.

我当时还在玩魔兽3的塔防地图。I was also playing Tower Defense mods in Warcraft III at the time.

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我要使用的一些提供这些,在多器官功能障碍综合征,我要做的主人翁。I'm going to use some of thes in the mods I have to do as masters.

结论对于急性肾衰竭并MODS病人更宜行CRRT治疗。Conclusion CRRT is more effective than IHD for ARF patients with MODS.

腹腔注射无菌酵母多糖A制备大鼠MODS模型。The MODS models were induced by intraperitoneal injection of Zymosan A.

其中MODS是严重创伤后最严重的并发症,在其发生发展过程中,肺脏是最常见或最先受累的器官。Lung is the most common or the first organ to be injured in the progression of post-injury MODS.

方法46例脓毒症、18例MODS患者均随机分为对照组和治疗组。Methods 46 patients with sepsis and 18 patients with MODS were randomly divided into two groups.

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结论MODS的治疗主要以脏器支持为主,减轻早期应激反应,积极抗休克及感染。Conclusion MODS should be treated mainly by organ support, relieving early stress, and anti hock.

不允许使用任何作弊秘籍。这些秘籍的使用,对于没有使用它们的人是不公平的。No cheats, hacks or mods that would give you an unfair advantage over a player who didn't use them.

这是个可爱的的垃圾,除非它也有德鲁伊技能奖励或者你你拥有很幸运的随机属性。This is a pretty lame ring unless you get the Druid bonus skill or very lucky with the random mods.

他不禁怀疑,世界上是否有任何地方,能够以他刚起步时的那种精神来创造游戏。I wondered if there was any place left to create games in the same spirit of the mods that I had started with.

结果7例中,5例治愈,2例死亡。死亡原因为严重感染并发MODS不能逆转。Among 7 cases, 5 cases were cured, and the remaining 2 cases died from severe infections and irreversible MODS.

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星际争霸2的地图编辑器将允许用户创建各种地图和MOD,并将限制降到最小。The StarCraft II editor will allow users to create various maps and mods for the game with very few restrictions.

结论早期使用地塞米松、654-2和抗蛇毒血清可减少眼镜蛇咬伤引起的SIRS和MODS发生。Conclusions Using Dexamethason 654-2 and antivenom early may decrease the SIRS and MODS curren after Chinese cobra bite.

我们的兽医职业测试有权额外冲床,但他认为最大的收益是真正从东京改造比赛碳水化合物。Our vet pro tester is entitled to the extra punch, but he felt that the biggest gains are really from the Tokyo Mods race carb.

OM为免费软件,由”猎杀潜航4”模式补丁社区制作。任何形式的授权需经过作者的允许。OM is freeware, made by the SH4 modding community. All permissions of individual mods are subject to their author's permissions.

采用线栓法制作大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注致多器官功能障碍综合征模型。The models of MODS induced by focal cerebral ischemia were made by occluding the middle cerebral artery with nylon line in rats.

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因其可以提高各种伤害类型效果的绝佳性能,所以在与大型怪物进行战斗时特别有价值。Their ability to derive effects from any of the damage classes give these Mods a high value when fighting the biggest of demons.

乌司他丁能够保护严重多发伤患者的脏器功能,降低MODS的发生率。Ulinastati has a protective effect on organ function in Severe Multiple Trauma patients, and can decrease morbidity rate of MODS.

SACH组与MODS组胰岛素的动态变化规律明显不同,MODS组为持续异常升高。The dynamic change regularity of insulin was different in MODS group from SACH group, which increased continuously and abnormally.