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确定不合格原因。Identify the cause of the nonconformance.

所有报告的不合格或有待观察问题的记录。A record all reported nonconformance or observations.

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对照规定要求,评审有不合格嫌疑的物项。Reviewing the suspected nonconformance against specified requirements.

服务人员反馈的不合格信息。"Quality nonconformance " information feedback from the service people.

审查人员只需要完成整改要求的第一项,即,了解不合格问题详情。Auditors complete only the first section of the CAR, detailing the agreed nonconformance.

将两个单位制合并在同一份标准中时,结果可能会不一致。Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.

设计要求方面的不合格物项,由工程部人员评审。Nonconformance to design requirements will require a review by Engineering department personnel.

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IPQC及线长应及时跟进不合格品的处理状况及结果。PQE, IPQC and line leader should trace the nonconformance handling condition and result in time.

对不符合该地区发现的过程中,应当在审计报告确定的审计工作。The areas of nonconformance found during the performance of the audit shall be identified within the audit report.

与投标不一致的要求是否已得到解决或与最初报价之间是否有差距。Check if the nonconformance to the tender has been solved or if there is any difference from the initial quotation.

与不合格物项相关的书面通讯录上,将引用不合格物项报告编号,以作参考。Written communications relating to the nonconforming item will quote the nonconformance report number for reference purposes.

管理来自于机加工流程的内,外部不合格报告以防止不合格流入客户。Maintanence internal and external NCR from machining process to prevent the parts with nonconformance to delivery to customer.

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一旦发现不合格的问题,应在发现当时,提请相关责任人注意,并与其展开讨论。When a nonconformance is noted, it is brought to the attention and discussed with the responsible personnel at the time of discovery.

影响表1中记录的不合格报告,应编入记录,或随附记录保存。Nonconformance reports that affect those records listed in Table 1 shall be incorporated into the record or be retained with the records.

为了改进和提高组织质量管理体系的能力,审核员必须要让被审核方有能力自己来确定不符合问题的根本原因。In order to improve and enhance an organization's management system, auditors need to enable the auditees to determine the reason for a nonconformance.

当在审计期间发现过程中有一个不一致问题时,在挑选出什么是必需的和什么仅仅是方针上可能会有一些困难。When a nonconformance in the process is found during an audit, there will likely be some difficulty in sorting out what is required vs. what is merely a guideline.

水泥与超塑化剂相适应性不好主要是水泥水化产物吸附大量的超塑化剂所致。The major reason for the occurring of nonconformance between cement and superplasticizer lies in the fact that large amount of superplasticizer is absorbed by hydrates.

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设计要求的不合格项,应按照设计控制措施要求,进行维修或照常使用,该设计控制措施要求与用于原始设计的控制措施相匹配。Nonconformance to design requirements dispositioned repair, or use-as-is shall be subject to design control measures commensurate with those applied to the original design.

所有人员都有责任监控在现场工作的外部承包商员工,并将安全违规事件报告给现场管理人员和承包商监督人员。All personnel are responsible for monitoring outside contractor personnel when on site and for reporting safety nonconformance to site management and contractor supervision.

在决定对不符合规定的标准或规格的批号进行重新加工前,应当对不符合的原因进行调查。Before a decision is taken to rework batches that do not conform to established standards or specifications, an investigation into the reason for nonconformance should be performed.