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什么是涅槃?What is Nirvana?

涅盘是幸福!Nirvana is happiness!

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为什么中级的涅磐呢?Why middle-grade Nirvana?

心就是佛,就是涅槃。Heart is Buddha and Nirvana.

因此,我们说是中级涅磐。Hence, we say middle-grade Nirvana.

寂灭离苦解脱乐。Nirvana brings the joy of liberation.

他们说,通过性,你将到达涅槃。They say through sex you reach Nirvana.

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缠绵的春雨,是淡泊明志的人生佳境。Thee lingering rain, is a nirvana of life.

大乘涅磐佛经发现了涅磐。Mahayana Nirvana sutra find out about Nirvana.

他命令他的生命一正确认识涅磐。He who orders his life a right realizes nirvana.

我能看到许多城市商人在这找到了涅槃。I can see many a City trader finding Nirvana there

对涅槃的理解写在大乘经典上。Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

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枯萎,是一种庄严的回归,是灵魂的涅磐。Fusarium is a solemn return of the soul of Nirvana.

NIRVANA空压机也进行了优化设计。NIRVANA air compressor and the optimization design.

什么是构成觉醒和涅磐的道路?What constitutes the Path to Awakening and Nirvana?

所有的这类禅获得果位。All such dharmas result in fruition. This is Nirvana.

因此我们说如来进入了涅磐。Hence we say that the Tathagata enters Great Nirvana.

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涅磐是不朽,相反的是死亡。Nirvana is immortally, the opposite of which is death.

生命是为了达到极乐的涅磐而摒弃自身。Life is the abnegation of self to gain the bliss of Nirvana.

涅磐是没有混合的,不会由存在的东西构成。Nirvana is uncompounded, not made of anything yet it exists.