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他是直系子孙。He is the lineal descendant.

火药是希腊火的直接衍生物。Gunpowder was the lineal successor of the Greek fire.

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此代码解决了非直系系统使用简单的高斯方法。This code solves a non lineal system using the simple gaussian method.

她的很多行为都被正统的婆婆视为放浪。Her a lot of behavior are regarded as by lineal mother-in-law Bohemian.

在短短的话,一个明确的直系组织是一个无限循环的混合。In short words, a clear lineal organization is mixed with an infinite loop.

游戏系统采用了正统的冒险形式,算上序章总共有14话内容。Game system used lineal adventurous form, calculate on order order has 14 words content in all.

介绍了医用直线加速器射频源老化故障的诊断方法。This article describes how to diagnose the fault of aging medical lineal accelerator RF driver.

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折线是GIS中表达线形空间实体的基本制图要素。The polyline is one basic cartography factor to express the lineal spatial entity in vector GIS.

只有一个儿子的老年人在直系家庭生活的比例较高。There is a high proportion of the elderly living with one married son and formed a lineal family.

旁系血亲是指非直系血亲而在血缘上和自己同出一源的亲属。In the blood which is not direct lineal descendants in blood and his and the relatives of the same origin.

用初等几何方法给出线性函数在无穷远点的保角性证明。The use of elementary geometry method can give conformal demonstration of lineal function in infinite eigenvector.

每个生产线率是多少?注意—HWPW的线性英尺以及PB和MDF每小时的薄板数。What is each production line rate of manufacturing? Note – lineal feet for HWPW and no. of sheets per hour for PB and MDF.

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推广来讲,本法可成形磨无拐点的任意曲线的齿轮,如圆孤齿轮等。Further this method can grind any curved lineal gears, provided they have no inflexion, for example, knuckle gears and so on.

第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.

我们提出的第二类方法是基于线性变换的分类方法,包括基于主成分分析和辨别分析的方法。Our second kind of method is based on lineal transformation, including principle component analysis and discriminant analysis.

本文介绍用动态信号分析仪分析线性网络零状态响应的原理和方法。This paper introduces the theory and method of analysing zero state response of lineal network by using dynamic signal analyzer.

嫡长子继承制是在商末周初确立的,它是传子制发展的必然结果。The system of First Son of the Lineal Descents Inheritance was established at the turn of the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.

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本文介绍一种使用线阵CCD进行玻璃管内液位测量的光电测量头。This paper introduces a new type measuring head for operating the liquid level measurement in a gauge glass with lineal array CCD.

利用以上方法,我们求得在同一设计规范下,线光源功率最小时的长度为3.98~4.02毫米。Through numerical simulation, we conclude that the optimized length of lineal light in the specific design code is 3 . 98-4. 02mm.

所以,中国传统经济思想,主要是指统治中国2000年之久的封建正统经济思想。So, thought of Chinese traditional economy, basically be to point to regnant China the thought of long feudal and lineal economy 2000.