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鼻镜为黑色。Nose is black.

捏着你的鼻子。Hold your nose.

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我的鼻子乾乾的。My nose is dry.

没有耳朵,没有鼻子。No ears, no nose.

顺便打歪了我的鼻子。And broke my nose.

我用鼻子闻味道。I smell with nose.

不只是酒糟鼻而已。Not just the nose.

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黑轮挖鼻孔。Alan picks his nose.

她的鼻子被打坏。Her nose was broken.

鼻毛修了,打勾。My nose hair is cut.

鼻镜为纯黑色。Nose entirely black.

狗的嗅觉很灵。A dog has a good nose.

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爱生气有一个大鼻子。Grumpy has a big nose.

他的鼻尖上翘。His nose is tiptilted.

她的鼻子是腊制的义鼻。She is a nose of wax.

试图使鼻子通气。Try blowing your nose.

试着捏住鼻子。Try holding your nose.

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你流鼻血了。Your nose is blooding.

他有一个红鼻子吗?Does he have a red nose?

邪从鼻人。Evilly from nose person.