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而纽约这个城市的节奏也是令人兴奋的。The tempo of the city itself is exhilarating.

但是像这种既使人心情振奋又重温文学之路的远足好像并不多见。But there are few more exhilarating literary treks.

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在这样的地方作一个专栏作家实在让人兴奋。Being a columnist at a place like this can be exhilarating.

请在这场动人心魄的解谜冒险中找出答案!Find out in this exhilarating Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!

然而,冬日远足却是一项真正能让人愉快健康的活动。However, winter hiking is a totally exhilarating fitness activity.

想让你午夜的浴室之约更加愉悦吗?Need to make your midnite bathroom appointments more exhilarating?

在这样一个奇妙的世界里,这可能是最令人兴奋的事情。In a world of wonders, this may be the most exhilarating thing yet.

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这是包装的“拉支付你”叶子及其令人振奋的升降机嚼。It is wrapped with a "lá tru" leaf and chewed for its exhilarating lift.

不过,女性的阴蒂头惊人的不同,这不同激奋人心。The female glans, however, has one surprising and exhilarating difference.

当人们坠入爱河时,这会迅速发生,而且非常使人振奋。When people fall in love that happens rapidly, and it's very exhilarating.

接下来的三天三夜是我一生中最激动人心的时刻。The next three days and nights were among the most exhilarating of my life.

一派令人振奋的繁忙景象,然而,我不知为什么,觉得这是一幅平静的悠闲画面。It was a busy exhilarating scene and yet,I know not why,restful to the spirit.

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阳光是明媚的,雨水是清新的,风让我们振奋,雪让我们神爽。Sunshine is delicous, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating.

我发现爸爸痛击窃贼这个主意让我既兴奋又害怕。I found the idea of Baba clobbering a thief both exhilarating and terribly frightening.

在这里您可以和向导从皑皑白雪的坡上沿着滑道飞驰而下。Here you can, and wizards from the slope on the exhilarating along the glide path flashed.

这一个现象给我的欣喜,更甚于一个丰饶多产的葡萄园。This phenomenon is more exhilarating to me than the luxuriance and fertility of vineyards.

如果你喜欢蹦极跳的刺激,你可能会发现2010是一个令人振奋销售年度。If you enjoy the thrill of bungee jumping, you probably found 2010 an exhilarating sales year.

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乍一看,这似乎是令人兴奋和刺激的机会,能为谋生去做我们所喜爱的工作。At first, it might seem exhilarating and thrilling for the chance to do what we love for a living.

这话也许不一定对,但这的确是一部充满了昆丁·塔伦蒂诺令人愉悦的形式的光彩夺目的电影。While that may not be true, this is an often dazzling movie that sees QT back on exhilarating form.

圆润成熟的单宁酸,口感如天鹅绒般柔软,令人愉快的口味。Great substance, mellow tannins, velvety and elegant for exhilarating encounters with savory sauces.