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那时,孝也成了一种摆设,只不过是中国人为了显面子的东西。But in china, it is another kind of meaning of finial piety.

农业产业活动的成果是农产品。The finial output of the activity of agriculture is product.

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内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

不过更令我难以忘怀的是期末论文。But even more difficult to forget was the finial examination paper.

刚好,今天我们考完了期终考试,心情放松了一大节。Fortunately, we had our term finial exam finished today, so I feel more relax.

最终的模具和产品的数据比较,验证面具加工的误差。Data comparison of the finial moulds and products and verification of the error of mask processing.

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目前我国固体废物的最终处置多采用填埋方式。It is prevalent that the landfill has become the finial disposal technique of solid waste in china.

为什么政界和商界及金融界的顶尖高手面对金融危机却束手无策呢?!Why finial superior from political and business circle feel so shrivel in face of financial crisis?

企业竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。The competition among enterprises is the competing for the excellent employees in the finial analysis.

最后对于该平台可以衍生发展的经营项目进行了讨论。The finial part is to discuss the subproject which can be derived from the development of this platform.

为客户提供质优价廉的产品和周到的供应链服务是我们的全体员工所秉承的宗旨。Our finial target is to provide the products in good quality and best price and the high quality service.

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一元或二元的介绍绝非目的,而是手段,多元才是最终的目标。The introduction of one or two sides is not the target, but a method, diversification is the finial goal.

毋庸置疑,民主化和法制化是中国走向现代化的终极目标。There is no doubt that democratization and legalization is finial goals of the China's modernization drive.

最终的产品和产品的数据比较,验证产品和原始数据的一致性。Data comparison of the finial products and products and consistency checking of the products and the original data.

神道教建筑与众不同的特色是千木,即前后屋顶的末端呈剪刀形。A distinctive feature of Shinto architecture is the chigi, a scissor-shaped finial at the front and rear of the roof.

结论该肿瘤少见,缺乏特征性X线表现,确诊依靠病理学检查。Conclusion The tumors is rare, this neoplasm is lack of characteristic X-ray features and the finial diagnosis depends on pathology.

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本文最后一部分简要总结了实证分析的基本结论并提出我国税制改革的政策建议。The finial section briefly summarizes the empirical study's findings and puts forward some policy proposals for tax reform in China.

把最终的季节时间序列模型转化为状态空间形式,通过卡尔曼滤波实时调整状态向量,实现电梯交通流的在线预测。It transforms the finial SARIMA model to state space model, adjusts the state vector using Kalman filter, and realizes the on-line forecast.

文中所得控制器保证受控系统按指数收敛于系统的平衡点或以平衡点为中心的最终吸引子。The controller guarantees that the state of the system converges to the equilibrium point or the finial attractor centered at the equilibrium point of the system.