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国务院也在继续使用这个老掉牙的惯用语,就象在吹一个吹不响的哨子。The State Department continued to blow on this worn locution like a stuck whistle.

现代汉语中,叠音词与重叠式很容易发生混淆。In modern Chinese reiterative locution and reduplication are likely to be confused.

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汉语叠字可用来翻译英语中的部分形容词、副词、数量词、动词及象声词。This thesis expounds the usage of reiterative locution in English-Chinese translating.

叠字是汉语修辞的一种方法,运用叠字艺术进行诗词创作是古代诗词作家常用的艺术手法之一。Using reiterative locution arts to write poem is one of the skills the ancient poem writers often used.

本文以三个平面的语法理论为指导,对动词复叠式做了多方面的考察。This paper discusses the verb reiterative- locution on the basis of the grammar theory of three dimensions.

叠字是由形、音、义均相同的汉字重叠使用构成的,有广义、狭义之分。The characters with the same form, sound, and meaning, in broad or narrow sense, construct reiterative locution.

在未登录词识别中,我们分别对数词短语、叠字词、名字的识别提出了不同的识别方法。For unknown words recognition, we use different method to recognize numeric phrase, reiterative locution and name.

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叠音是指相同音节的重叠,它是一种紧相连用而字义相等的复叠方法。Reiterative locution refers to repetition of the same syllables with equivalent meaning , which are often closely used.

用户往储蓄罐中插入硬币时,这个人物就会说你是最好的,或者这些天你更漂亮了。"As the user inserts coins, the men talk back, locution "you are the prizewinning, " and "you are seeing prettier these days.

在这种情况下,杂志社会聘请很多作家,决不对他们的设计师在语言天赋方面抱有幻想。In this latter situation, magazines employuntless writers and would never expect their designers to be gifted in sesquipedalian locution.

有些情况下,设计师从来不需要考虑自己写壹个字。In this latter situation, magazines employ countless writers and would never expect their designers to be gifted in sesquipedalian locution.

在不同的时期和不同的文学样式中都有运用叠音的现象,其修辞功能也在不断扩展。Reiterative locution has been used in different styles of literature in different periods , so its rhetorical function is gradually developed.

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从道与社会、道与物、道与个人的关系以及达道对个人修养的要求可明了“动中之反”和“静中之反”。The thought and locution clarify the relation between Tao and society, Tao and material, Tao and the beings by rebelling in activity and rebelling in immobility.

本文从讨论描述语的概念入手,着重论述汉语描述语和谚语、惯用语、成语的区别。The text is handing in discussed conception to word of description. It is that important to discussing difference from Chinese"s word of description proverb locution and idiom."

在实验基础上建立结构受载时标准样本特征向量数据库。根据最小二乘法原理用拟合的方法自诊断单点受我的位置。After a data library about standard samples is established on the basis of the experiment, the locution of the single-point load on the structure is self-diagnosed by means of the least square method.