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波拉德在寒暄中开始了谈话。Pollard opened the conversation with some small talk.

你还记得艾塞克斯号的船长波拉德吗?You remember the story of the Essex and Captain Pollard?

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“你可以将它看作是”沃尔多在哪里“问题,”珀拉德说。"You can think of it as a Where's Waldo problem," Pollard said.

Pollard承认他和一个美国女子在网上的关系。Pollard admitted he was having an on-line relationship with an American woman.

1905年,伯格理从这块当时荒凉的山坡上开始修建教堂与校舍。In 1905, Pollard started to build churches and schools from this desolated hillside.

那一丛秃头的柳树,因不断遭受砍伐都失去了天然的形状。The pollard willows were tortured out of their natural shape by incessant choppings.

波拉德是美国加州大学旧金山分校的生物统计学家。Katherine S. Pollard is a biostatistician at the University of California, San Francisco.

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“啮齿类动物声音的区别很像是人类声音的区别,”珀拉德解释道。"Differences in rodent voices are much like differences in human voices," explained Pollard.

至今仍在民间使用伯格理苗文,这是伯格理创造的奇迹之一。Pollard's Miao script, still used by the locals, is one of the great wonders Pollard created.

第二天他迁进湖边一棵已经去掉树梢的杨柳树里,吓着了野鸭子和水鼠。Next day he moved into a pollard willow near the lake, frightening the wild ducks and the water rats.

劳伦斯•波拉德向来自国际生存组织的乔纳森•马绍尔询问了这些照片的具体意义。Lawrence Pollard asked Jonathan Mazower of Survival International about the significance of the pictures.

伯格理以其毕生之力实践了他“引导一个民族的皈依”的理想。We could therefore say, Missionary Pollard devoted all his life in practicing his ideal for evangelizing a people.

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“我希望人类能从其他的方向上有意识地地提升自己的个体性来填补这一缺失”,珀拉德说。"I expect humans are filling the gap by deliberately increasing our individuality in other avenues," Pollard said.

从泡勒德博士上次说漏嘴、将松树枝条的嫁接一事泄漏出去算起,我还未见过部门里有哪个人这么情绪激动过。I hadn't seen anyone in the department that upset since the time Dr. Pollard spilled the beans about the graft in the conifer branch.

截去树梢的杨树长长的嫩枝在一闪一闪的阳光里呈现出橘红色,春天最初的色彩出现在它们的树皮上。On the pollard willows the long wands are yellow-ruddy in the passing gleam of sunshine, the first colour of spring appears in their bark.

博拉德与本·拉登的儿媳扎伊娜赴叙利亚旅行期间,夜间独自一人从咖啡馆返回旅店,途中遭遇两名男子袭击。Louise Pollard was travelling in Syria with Mrs. bin Laden when she was attacked by 2 men as she walked alone from a cafe to her hotel late at night.

她表示,将不再为他们代孕,因为拉登的儿子奥马尔有精神疾病,夫妇二人已分居。Miss Pollard has decided not to attempt another surrogacy for the bin Ladens, who have now separated amid claims that Omar has developed mental illness.

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法耶德改变了这一切,进入如迈克尔杰克逊和苏波拉德和散射在鼓泡清洗各种不可能承诺影视丘姆斯地方如风掠。Fayed changed all that, breezing into the place with showbiz chums such as Michael Jackson and Su Pollard and scattering all sorts of improbable promises in his bubbling wash.

嵌入式智能专栏作家杰里米•帕拉德比较了一些控制绘图软件,然后发现这两个新的ECAD程序可以很容易的进行拼接。Embedded Intelligence columnist Jeremy Pollard takes a look at control drawing software options and finds you can move easily into using two new ECAD programs for control drawings and layouts.

通过公开演说,给总统致函,在每大报纸的专栏发文,我在波拉德一案中摸爬滚打了二十年,我所收到的痛恨我屁股坐错了位子的邮件,数量不计其数。Since I became involved in the Pollard case two decades ago through public speeches, letters to the president, and op-eds in major newspapers, I have received volumes of hate mail for my stand.