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你知道概率有多小么?。Do you know what the odds are?

赛跑前,胜负的可能性变得接近了。The odds evened before the race.

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你不可能永远都成功地躲过去。You can't beat the odds forever.

我们不停地与对方争执。We just are at odds with each other.

中彩的机会又有多大呢?What are the odds to win the lottery?

争夺冠军的两名选手得胜的机会均等。Odds have evened between the champions.

那么,约翰逊在JCPenney有多少胜算?So what are Johnson's odds at JCPenney?

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如何才能提高你成功的几率呢?How can you improve your odds of success?

都差不多是这些零零散散的工作。It's all kind of like, odds and ends jobs.

月经不调怀孕的几率大不大?Doesn't menstruation move pregnant odds big?

那匹马参赛赔率是十比一。The horse was running at odds of ten to one.

但我知道,每册都在我的赔率青睐。You know , the way you calculate odds on the.

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鼻炎会不会发展成鼻癌?几率大不大?Can rhinitis develop nose cancer? Is odds big?

大部分像吉尔这样的家庭总是面临着这样那样的烦事。The odds are against most families like Gil's.

我同所有事物都不一致,而且历来如此!I'm at odds with everything and always have been!

现在让我们构建一个掷骰机率计算器。Now let's build an odds calculator for die rolls.

但是她必须做好心理准备,接受机会的渺茫。But she should prepare herself for some long odds.

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布希和凯瑞对于干细胞研究意见分歧。Bush and Kerry are at odds over stem-cell research.

贲门癌能治愈吗?几率有多大?。Can be cardia cancer cured? Does odds have how old?

你请我喝咖啡或喝茶都没有什麽关系。It makes no odds whether you give me coffee or tea.