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我要活剥他的皮。I'll flay him alive.

加拿大国旗是什么颜色的。What colour is Canada's flay ?

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一头牛不能剥两次皮。You cannot flay the same ox twice.

我要找到你,生吞活剥,总而言之死路一条。I'll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won't survive.

“从那开始,我们知道我们该讲述什么样的故事,我们有了一个出发点,”弗雷说。“From there we knew we had a story, and we had a starting point, ” Mr. Flay said.

如果你想要无冷却的高伤害法术,精神鞭笞应该就是你要找的东西。If you're looking for high direct damage with no cooldown, Mind Flay is supposed to be that spell.

九妹一气之下将在场的所有人都骂了一遍,四喜忍无可忍,便出声骂她太过份。In nine sister flay will present everyone scold, four xi unbearable, too too much noise to scold her.

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莲子、扁豆去皮,加糯米50克,煮至粘稠,加糖食用。Flay of lotus seed, hyacinth bean, add polished glutinous rice 50 grams, boil to ropy, add candy edible.

为了改变基尔加丹瞄准目标的行为,我们给所有地区打了补丁。We've just deployed a hotfix to all regions that changes the targeting behavior of Kil'jaeden's Soul Flay ability.

当他发现他的新娘跑了的时候,拉姆西会把他们都剥了皮,至于他会对咕噜特和尖酸的阿利做什么简直不忍想象。Ramsay would flay them all when he learned his bride was gone, and what he would do to Grunt and Sour Alyn did not bear thinking about.

没有什么东西能在这片恶劣的土地上茁壮生长,沙盐风暴能从骨头上剥掉你的肉,能消灭那些为数不多的瘦小农作物。Almost nothing thrives in this harsh landscape, where salt storms flay flesh from bone and destroy what few meager crops manage to grow.

高文彦受高虹的嘱托回来劝姗姗,姗姗却要强吻文彦,文彦见压服不了姗姗,一气之下转身分开了家里。GaoWenYan by GaoHong entrust back advised shanshan, shanshan but strong lips WenYan, WenYan see crush not shanshan, flay turned to separate the home.

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渔夫这才知道,网并非是越大越好,贪得无厌,往往会得到相反的结果。At this time , the fishman knew that the larger the fishnet was , the better for the owner may be not. if you flay a flint , you would have an opposite result.

京派文学意象是中国传统文学向现代文学转换过程中产生的特殊的文学现象,具有特殊的审美价值。Jing Literary School's imagery is a special flay phenomenon in the stage of China traditional culfure's changing into modem culture, and it has a special aesthetic value.

无论一个国家发展到什么阶段,只要它拥有富足的智者得以批判这个国家的自负时,幽默之花就会盛放,因为幽默无非是智者对自己的鞭挞。The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself.