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译者成功地用一种朗朗上口的地道英文转达了海氏一贯铺张的写作风格。He succeeded in presenting Heidegger's often turgid style in a readable and idiomatic English.

当然,他们是一类特别乏味的浪漫主义者,念的全是华而不实的散文,却没有诗章。They are, to be sure, a peculiarly boring breed of romantic, speaking in turgid prose rather than poetry.

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他每周的长篇专栏“实话实说”有时未免有些华而不实、老生常谈,却仍有千百万人阅读。His long, weekly editorial "Frankly Speaking" though sometimes turgid and repetitious is read by millions.

通常索尔仁尼琴书的特征是一维的–腔调讥讽,细节冗长。Often the characters in Mr Solzhenitsyn’s books were one-dimensional, the tone sardonic, the detail turgid.

电影改编自哈利波特系列第五部,也是至今为止改编过的最长的一部,原著里的角色在历险中显得至关重要却略有浮夸。The fifth – and longest – book on which the film is based plays a crucial but faintly turgid role in the saga.

那东西像是一个动物似的在她手中抽动,当她把它指引到自己那充血而肿胀的下体的时候它都似乎要狂喜地哭起来了。It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh.

它在她手里有节奏地一收一缩,象一只动物。几乎因为感激的狂喜而哭了,她把它对准进入她自己的湿地,肿胀的肉里。It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh.

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在他那些趾高气扬的日子里,他喜欢过女人,也曾迷恋过几个,但并不知道怎样跟她们恋爱。He had liked women in that turgid past of his, and been fascinated by some of them, but he had not known what it was to love them.

双子座非常渴读,几乎任何书都能让她们立刻投入其中,但最好不要是那种冗长的书,因为她们的兴趣维持不了多久。Geminis are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy —— but don't make it too long or turgid a read, since this Sign loses interest quickly.

这周,当我检查迪奥尼索司的“阴囊”时,积满的脂肪与结缔组织变得很肿胀,以至于我都以为我触到的是睾丸。When I examined the "scrotal sac" of Dionysus this week, the masses of fat and connective tissue were so turgid that I thought I was palpating real testes.

2011年2月23日,曼联对阵马赛,一场乏味的平局都能有562.3万观众观看,这占去了英国近四分之一的收视率。On 23 February 2011, a turgid draw between Manchester United and Marseille was watched by 5.623m viewers, taking almost a quarter of the total UK TV audience.

水肿立即出现并导致急性间隔综合征,肢体在数小时内肿胀粗大,末梢循环没有阻断。Swelling appears rapidly, causing an acute compartment syndrome and within hours the limb can become turgid and brawny without obstruction to the distal circulation.

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除了冷静、智慧,在影片中玛索不仅是最具吸引力的人物,而且每次她和皮尔斯-布鲁斯南共同出镜,更能映衬出后者的那种夸张的满不在乎的劲儿。Eluding a cool intelligence about her, Marceau is not only the most fascinating character in the film, but whenever she shares a scene with him, uncovers the turgid blandness of Pierce Brosnan.

这个,要回答那个问题,恐怕要追溯到古希腊的音乐理论,每次读这些都会云山雾罩的,不管你信不信,我曾在研究生中开过这个课程Well, for the answer to that we have to go back to ancient Greek music theory, and when you read about this--it's really turgid stuff-- but believe it or not, I teach a course on this at the graduate level.