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我是一个失败的杂食者。I am a failed omnivore.

但是我也不会介意你是否是杂食动物。But I don’t care if you’re an omnivore.

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真的,我确实曾想作一个杂食者。I wanted to be an omnivore. I really did.

我当时就知道,我作为一个杂食者的日子不多了。I knew then that my days as an omnivore were numbered.

素食的饮食往往是低脂肪的饮食比杂食。Vegetarian diets tend to be lower in fat than omnivore diets.

而且每个在饮食方面生冷不忌的美国人都应该花点时间来读一读。And it's something that every omnivore in America should take the time to read.

就跟它们鸦科的表亲,乌鸦一样,冠蓝鸟是一种杂动物。Like their cousins of the Corvidae family, crows and ravens, the Blue Jay is an omnivore.

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一种纯粹的食草动物可以和杂食性动物共存的重要原因即是,他们赖以为生的食物是截然不同的。A total herbivore is able to coexist with an omnivore because they have significantly different diets.

拒绝了大自然的慷慨资源,我们便是失败的不偏食者。我们让不偏食者群体失望了。By shutting ourselves off from the bounties of nature, we become failed omnivores. We let the omnivore team down.

大熊猫个性温顺,属杂食性动物,身长1.5米,体重达160公斤,是中国最大的陆地动物之一。Reaching a length of 1.5 meters and 160 kilograms, this gentle omnivore is among the largest land animals of China.

素食与非素食幼儿的饮食摄取与血液生化数值接受其父母的深远影响。Vegetarian and omnivore parents had varying influences on dietary intake and biochemical measurements of their children.

基督徒的饮食习惯是有规律地从杂食到素食的呼唤,这已是众所周知。The Orthodox Christian diet is unique in regularly interchanging from an omnivore to a vegetarian-type diet, and no study to date has focused on the impact of this on Fe status.