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番红花是春天来临的前兆。The crocus is a herald of spring.

还只是喧闹春天的传令兵。And only herald to the gaudy spring.

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赫拉尔德与高大的丈夫一起跳舞。Stacey Herald is dancing with her husband.

在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring.

新春啊。你这君临万方的爱神的先驱。Fresh spring the herald of loves mighty king.

清新的春天,爱的使者是强大的君主Fresh Spring ,the herald of loves mightly king

在英国,杜鹃鸟预告春天的来临。In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.

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和平会预示着两个民族的新时代。Peace would herald a new day for both peoples.

卡斯帕`海德伯格—-国际先驱论坛报Casper Hedberg for the International Herald Tribune

威廉寇金,太阳报通过美联社Photograph by William Colgin, the Sun Herald via AP

一颗树能造就一片森林,一只小鸟能鸣报春天的来临。One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring.

国王把国外的使者一脚踢到无底洞里去。The king kicked the foreign herald into a bottomless pit.

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以下图文均来自国际前锋论坛报。All the text and photos below from international herald tribute.

传令官将在老国王去世后立刻宣告新国王。A herald will proclaim the new king immediately the old one dies.

蕊初发,寒冷的冬季,起来慵自梳头。Herald new-onset, cold winter months, up Yong since comb my hair.

一个拍卖人一个个地把这些女孩子叫出来,再把她们出卖。A herald called up the damsels one by one, and offered them for sale.

霍尔德的声明或许更预示着责任制新时代的到来。Mr Holder’s announcement may even herald a new era of accountability.

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美团外卖和大众点评的合并可能预示着更大的合并。The merger of Meituan and Dianping could herald a bigger consolidation.

中国源码中心网络先锋论坛V1.3.2初学者可参考。Chinese source center network Herald Tribune V1.3.2 beginners reference.

我为这福音奉派作传道的,作使徒,作师傅。And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.