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波纹软管的设计包括标准波距,开阔波距和超柔韧。Hose corrugation designs include Standard Pitch, Open Pitch and Superflex.

波纹软管设计包括标准螺距、开阔螺距和超屈曲型。Hose corrugation designs include Standard Pitch, Open Pitch and Superflex.

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波纹磨损减少是由于磨石接触线与钢轨的扩展性造成的。Corrugation is reduced due to the extended nature of the stone's contact line with the rail.

波浪纸板和圆筒状两者结合,会成为非常坚固的构造。The combination of corrugation and the circular tube results in an extremely strong structure.

通过改变波纹规整填料的倾角可以避免塔体变径。The column diameter can be kept constant by changing the corrugation angle of structured packing.

如果波纹周期太小,则工作模式线性变得很差。If the period of helical corrugation is too small, the linearity of operating mode becomes very poor.

定期使用该系统可以防止在RCF和波纹磨损的发生,同时优化铁路表面。Periodic use of the system prevents RCF and corrugation before they appear, while optimising the rail surface.

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波纹磨损会导致噪音增大和维护费用上升,而RCF则缩短了钢轨的寿命并引起长期的安全隐患。Corrugation causes increased noise and higher maintenance costs while RCF shortens rail life and is a constant safety issue.

改变过车速度不能有效地抑制轨枕离散支撑导致的钢轨波磨形成和发展速度。The change of the curving speeds doesn't decrease the growth of the rail corrugation caused by the discrete sleeper support.

阐述了螺旋波纹波导回旋行波管克服模式竞争的机理。The mechanism of suppressing mode competition in gyrotron traveling wave tube amplifier with helical corrugation is illuminated.

利用限位装置成功解决反拉深起皱问题,保证了零件质量。Position limit device is employed to solve the problem of corrugation by reverse-drawing so that quality of the part can be ensured.

在温哥华的“天空列车”系统,由于车轮和钢轨的廓形太相近,导致了波浪磨耗和噪声超标。Close conformity between wheel and rail profiles generated corrugation and excessive noise on the SkyTrain system in Vancouver, B. C.

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短波的波浪磨耗的形成及由此产生的轰鸣噪声也与这种粘滑机械运动密切相关。This same stick-slip mechanism has been strongly implicated in the formation of short-pitch corrugation and associated roaring noise.

结果表明,波纹膨胀节发生早期失效是由于构件发生应力腐蚀开裂所致。The results show that the early failure of the corrugation expansion joint was results from the stress corrosion cracking in the components.

DB决定以延长钢轨寿命、防止RCF和波纹磨损、尽量不妨碍正常的运输为目标,以应付这些问题的发生。To counteract these developments, DB aims to extend rail life, prevent RCF and corrugation and hinder regular traffic as little as possible.

随着铁路高速重载趋势的发展,钢轨的波形磨耗和因接触疲劳而产生片状剥落、开裂等病害呈上升趋势。With the development of the high speed and heavy haul railway, rail contact default such as corrugation and peeling off occur more and more.

在有来复线的或其它的管壁皱纹的管中,由于引起副流,可能将非均质流转变为均质流。Rifled or other pipe wall corrugation may change the flow from a hetero-generous to a homogeneous regime by introducing a secondary circulation.

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在有来复线的或其它的管壁皱纹的管中,由于引起副流,可能将非均质流转变为均质流。Rifled or other pipe wall corrugation may change the flow from a hetero- generous to a homogeneous regime by introducing a secondary circulation.

如果卫星的轨道是倾斜的,就会有一连串垂直的弯曲波,也就是突出平面的皱纹,好似宇宙地毯的涟漪。If the satellite has a tilted orbit , the result is a series of vertical bending waves , an out -of -plane corrugation —small ripples in a cosmic carpet.

本文介绍了两种全密封油浸变压器波纹油箱的结构,并对它们的经济效益和社会效益进行分析。Two types of structure of corrugation tank in the whole sealing oil-immersed transformer are introduced. Their economic and social benefits are analyzed.