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一个上了年纪的男人请医生为他作健康检查。An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup.

一个男人找到大夫为他做一个全面检查。A man goes to his doctor for a complete checkup.

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正如克纳普所说,“这是对深海的一次健康检查。”"It's a checkup for the deep ocean, " says Knap.

当我50岁时,我给自己做了一次全面的身体检查。When I turned 50, I had a complete physical checkup.

我唠叨我妈去医生那做个检查。I nagged my mother to go to the doctor for a checkup.

但是下一次健康检查时,你或许还应该再增加一项指标。But your next checkup might add a new number to the mix.

如今,"每一位来做孕期检查的人都接受检测。Now “everybody is tested when they walk in for a prenatal checkup.

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我陪伴怀孕八个月的妻子去月查。I accompanish my eight-months-pregnant wife to her monthly checkup.

检查过后,医生拿着检测结果出来。After the checkup the doctor comes out with the results of the examination.

店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night.

并及时向工会通报职业病检查情况。The result of occupational disease checkup should be announced to trade union.

几天以后,主治医生来到鲍曼先生的病房,为他做出院前的最后一次检查。A few days later the doctor dropped by Mr. Baumann's room for his final checkup.

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首先,大部分医生会把第一次检查安排在婴儿2周时,尤其是投胎宝宝。Most doctors schedule a first checkup at age 2 weeks, especially for the first baby.

在产品设计初期,我们会专门召开设计审查会议。In the early time of product design, we will wholly convene a checkup meeting for it.

在理论上对模型进行了优化,同时提出了当前我国专利审查的建议。At the same time, putting forward the suggestion about the patent checkup in our country.

当然,铁路方面做了次例行检查,警察也参与调查了这件事。Of course, the railroad lines made a routine checkup and the police looked into the case.

有些病人在常规体检的血液检查后才知道他们患有慢性淋巴细胞白血病或慢性粒细胞性白血病。Some patients learn they have CLL or CML after a blood test as part of a regular checkup.

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被诊断为自闭症的患儿兄妹们可以进行一些相关症状的检查。Siblings of children diagnosed with autism may benefit for a checkup for related symptoms.

每年大约有50天的时间,飞船被唤醒以进行检查和重新校准工作。Once a year for about 50 days, the spacecraft turns back on for a checkup and recalibration.

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