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我把创新比作成登雷尼尔山。I liken innovation to an ascent of Mount Rainier.

我被比作一颗与别的不同的麦粒。I am liken to a grain of wheat with one difference.

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又说,我拿什么来比神的国呢。And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?

主又说,这样,我可用什么比这世代的人呢。And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation?

杰利森说,这就像重回老情人身边,这真是个好主意吗?Jellison. 'I liken it to returning to an old flame. Is it really a good idea?

上官玄玉来了?似乎比预料中早了一天。Did the final officer Xuan jade come?Seem to liken to anticipate media early a day.

爱情就像乘法,其中一项为零,其结果永远为零……Love is liken to multiplication, the result be zero only if any multiplier be zero.

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建筑师们把块体的形状比作陵墓和太空舱。The architects liken the shape the blocks create to a mausoleum and a space capsule.

就像一个喜剧演员,在公众面前很有趣,然而他们在私下只是一个平常人。I liken it to a comedian who is funny in public, but just a “regular person” in private.

我的假期相对旅行来说要简单一些,我总是带些置换的衣服和日常用品。My holiday was fade liken to travel, I had always toted some replacement clothing and commodity.

曾几何时,当苹果基本还只是一家计算机制造商的时候,人们常常将它比作BMW。Once upon a time, when Apple was mainly a computer manufacturer, people used to liken it to BMW.

民主党的议员艾兰。格雷森正在运作广告,这些广告将其对手比作塔利班分子。Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson is running ads that liken his opponent to a member of the Taliban.

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海湾政府将奥巴马拒绝埃及总统穆巴拉克事件类比于1979年吉米卡特放弃支持伊朗国王。They liken Obama's rejection of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt to Jimmy Carter's 1979 abandonment of the shah of Iran.

伺候的好了,还有丰厚的各种赏赐,这可比月钱要划算多了。Wait upon of like, also have various big bestow, this can liken money in month to must be much more worthwhile.

你认为你会成为怎样的前锋——你希望自己成为前面提到的那些前辈中的一种吗?How do you feel you’re developing as a striker – would you liken yourself to any of the aforementioned front men?

鸵鸟是恐龙的后裔,研究人员将鸵鸟的运动比作两足恐龙的运动。Ostriches are descendants of dinosaurs, and the researchers liken ostrich movements to those of bipedal dinosaurs.

江边谈判江南的冬天总是给人一种措不及防的幻觉。River side negotiation Chiang-Nan of winter all give folk a kind of Cuo to cannot liken with to protect of illusion.

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一些研究人员称之为上瘾,并且一部分研究人员认为它在这个消费主义社会已变成增长性问题。Many researchers liken it to addiction, and some think it has been a growing problem in the modern consumerism society.

民众已经把政府的卖地收入比喻成毒品—一旦上瘾,怎能戒掉?Members of the public have started to liken these land sales revenues to drugs—hard to quit once you get hooked on them.

我可用什么比这世代呢?好象孩童坐在街市上招呼同伴,说。But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows.