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它可以被看作是一种从达达主义中产生的中国版本的观念艺术。It can be considered a Chinese derivative of the conceptual art of Dadaism.

达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和令人震惊的色彩和手法作为表达元素。Dadaism asked"what is art"and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.

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达达主义设问“是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。Dadaism asked "what is art?" and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.

20世纪的视觉传达设计深受现代艺术运动立体派、未来派、达达派和超现实主义等各个流派的影响。Visual convey design in 20th century has been influenced deeply by Cubism, Futureism, Dadaism and super realism.

这是自达达主义衰落后的第一次,一个具有相似宗旨的艺术正在兴起——创造无意义的标题。For the first time since the decline of Dadaism , we are witnessing a revival in the fine art of meaningless naming.

自达达主义式微以来,我们首次目睹了一种高雅艺术的复兴,即给东西起毫无意义的名字。For the first time since the decline of dadaism , we are witnessing a revival in the fine art of meaningless naming.

“弗斯自由报”是达达主义的范围由持蜡烛的启发,具体时间由木刻字体用于解决这一问题。"Vers Libre" is a range of candle holders inspired by Dadaism and specifically by the woodcut fonts used around that time.

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最后的决定将基于许多的标准,包括父母对该项目的态度以及达达的理念。The final decision will be based on a number of criteria, including the parents' attitude to the project and the concept of Dadaism.

据丹托所讲,达达主义开启了“艺术与美的概念鸿沟”,近年以来,这个鸿沟更变成了一个山谷。According to Danto, Dadaism opened "a conceptual gap between art and beauty, " a gap that has in the near-century since, become canyon-sized.

第三章是对萨蒂钢琴作品中美学问题的思考,分为两节。第一节是传统有序结构在萨蒂钢琴作品中的表现。The Chapter three in two sections is the consideration of "Aesthetics " in the Satie " s piano works , namely the expression and meaning of Dadaism" and"Superrealism".

对权威和主流标准的挑战和批判性地分析是自达达主义和观念艺术以来艺术创作的原动力。Challenging and critically analyzing the authority and the mainstream opinions has remained the engine that empowers artistic creation since Dadaism and the conceptual art movement.