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它拥有一个子集There's a subset.

在你看来,一个是另一个的子集吗?Is one a subset of another in your mind?

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空集则对应于常数项1。The null subset corresponds to the term 1.

任何形式的垂直关系都只是网络的一部分。And any vertical is just a subset of the web.

我们把SOI看作SOA的一部分,而非独立的事物。We see SOI as a subset of SOA and not separate.

这样将在左边窗格中打开您的子集。Doing so brings up your subset in the left pane.

属于陆地形成或行星工程的范畴。a subset of terraforming or planetary engineering.

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测试用例是上游测试的不同子集。Test cases are a variant subset of upstream testing.

首先,每个分区都有自己的元数据子集。First, each partition has its own subset of metadata.

事实上,UPC商品条码是更广义的EAN条码的子集。UPC is in fact a subset of the more general EAN code.

服务程序控制台程序的一个子集。Service programs are a subset of console applications.

每一名程序经理专门负责整套功能特性的某一部分。Each can be responsible for some subset of the features.

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通过数据抽样,只需扫描数据的一个子集即可。With data sampling, only a subset of the data is scanned.

然后每个子集被清仓到对应的数据库。Then each subset is flushed to the corresponding database.

本质上,CIL是C语言的一个高级结构化的“整洁”的子集。In essence, CIL is a highly-structured, 'clean' subset of C.

结论真性组织细胞型淋巴瘤罕见。Conclusion True histiocytic lymphoma is a rare subset of NHL.

从某些目标容量子集将请求路由到别处。Route requests away from a certain subset of target capacity.

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每种安装类型安装不同的软件包子集。Each installation type installs a different subset of packages.

这些独立任务中的每一个都是主用例的一个子集。Each of these standalone tasks is a subset of the main use case.

这将使按主题编制子集合目录成为可能。This would enable the production of subset catalogues by subject.