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她们被指控犯了不良行为罪,一种轻罪。They are charged criminally with reckless conduct, a misdemeanor.

我在负责刑事犯病人的护士长的办公室里见到了拜妲。We met Baida in the office of the head nurse for the criminally insane.

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犯罪攻击性强、犯罪自我的内心控制力弱、性情狂暴。Criminally offensive, weak in self-restraint on criminal impulse and choleric.

不过这项技术很容易使用道德,而且也许刑事责任。However this technology is very easy to use unethically and perhaps criminally.

Walgren说如果他有犯罪过失厘米能预见到发生了什么事。Walgren says CM is criminally negligent if he could have foreseen what happened.

垃圾邮件不但烦人,时而涉及犯罪诈欺,还会留下碳足迹。Not only is spam a nuisance and sometimes criminally deceptive, it's got a carbon footprint.

过失危险行为犯罪化应遵循必要的四个原则。To legslate involuntary dangerous conduct criminally should follow four necessary principles.

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中国外交部在一份声明中证实了对韩德洙的指控,表示这位基督教徒已经受到刑事拘留。China's Foreign Ministry confirmed the charges against Hahn, but said he was criminally detained.

东欧的黑客似乎是出于某种犯罪目的,为了在最短的时间内大赚一笔。The Eastern Europeans, generally it feels criminally motivated, it's to make money the short way.

如果罪名成立,身为该报责任编辑的谢尔盖·米哈伊洛夫将被追究刑事责任。If convicted, as a newspaper editor Sergei Mikhailov responsible will be held criminally responsible.

律师在刑事辩护时,进行调查取证有一定的职业风险。The barrister has to burden certain professional r is kin collecting evidence when he pleads criminally.

咱们根本不必追问政府部门也许根据刑法或民法对范德比尔特提出起诉。It is quite useless to ask whetIT Vanderbilt were criminally prosecuted or civilly sued by the Government.

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无论他在美国或利比里亚,都应该对他进行刑事侦查,追究这些可怕的罪行。Whether in the United States or Liberia, he should be criminally investigated for these horrific offenses.

巴克曾在安大略省的橡树岭医院里工作,负责治疗那些精神病犯罪者中的心理变态狂。Barker worked at a unit for psychopaths inside the Oak Ridge hospital for the criminally insane in Ontario.

围绕记者是否能被根据间谍法受起诉的激烈辩论,每隔一段时间就会出现。Fierce debates over whether journalists can be criminally prosecuted under espionage laws arise periodically.

陪审团在布朗克斯发现司机奥法戴尔·威廉姆斯没有犯过失杀人罪及过失杀人。A jury in the Bronx found driver Ophadell Williams not guilty of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide.

我们根本不必追问政府部门是否根据刑法或民法对范德比尔特提出起诉。It is quite useless to ask whether Vanderbilt was criminally PageRankosecuted or civilly sued by the Government.

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该货车72岁的司机以过失杀人和无照驾驶被逮捕。The van's 72-year-old driver was arrested on charges of criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license.

她补充道,如果要证明一名医师的行为是刑事上的疏忽,那么就必须证明他这么做是完全没有理由的。To prove a physician's actions are criminally negligent, she added, "it has to be really extreme for no good reason."

目前为止,还没有一个华尔街的灵魂被发现因为他们导致金融危机的行为负刑事责任。So far, not a soul on Wall Street has been found to be criminally liable for the practices that led to the financial crisis.