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这就是埃尔维斯的家,哈?So this is chez Elvis, eh?

桑切斯戴安娜酒店实际是在23号公寓4层的2套经济型酒店。Chez Diana is actually two B&B's in apartment 23 on the 4th floor.

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沃特斯有一片私人菜园,在潘尼斯之家也有一处菜园和蜂巢。Waters has a personal garden, and a garden and beehive at Chez Panisse.

桑切斯戴安娜酒店是由迷人的戴安娜所开设的一家酒店,酒店以及其时尚的形式吸引人。Chez Diana is operated by the charming Diana and it is run in excellent fashion.

相比起世界杯决赛,更多的电视观众乐意换台到喜剧“欢迎到乡下”节目。More television viewers tuned into a comedy, “Bienvenue Chez les Ch’tis”, than for the World Cup final.

像在奇.乔村那样,我尝到的布丁就是我在一个特别地方的最好证明。In the case of Chez Jo, the pudding actually was a sort of final proof that I was experiencing a special place.

店铺设计装潢糅合日本和西方风格,以木材装饰渗透著和风气息,加上金属感洋式装饰,与厨柜内诱人糕点并列,格调和谐。Chez Shibata's decor blends Japanese and Western styles with Japanese wood and Western metallics and pastries are displayed in harmony with their surroundings.

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与此同时,在旧金山经营“帕尼斯之家”的著名厨师爱丽丝·华特斯将会用当地的原料准备一餐有机料理,让人们一边吃它,一边聊它。Meanwhile, Alice Waters, the well-known chef who runs Chez Panisse in San Francisco, will be preparing an organic meal from local ingredients that will be both eaten and discussed.

当白罗正在一间时髦的法国餐厅用餐时,他无意间聆听到贾桂琳·贝尔福和西蒙·道尔对彼此的对话,并且相当关注她对男方爱情的深度。While dining at chic restaurant, Chez Ma Tante, Poirot overhears Jacqueline de Bellefort and Simon Doyle speaking to one another, and is concerned by the depth of her love for him.

瑞克在克里斯提也山庄,30年来一直是应对那些生活在城市里的学生,他们聘请实习生加入到一个农场中,或者做餐厅供应。Rick and Kristie Knoll, who for 30 years have worked a 10-acre plot in Brentwood, Calif. , used to hire interns who were eager to be part of a farm that supplies restaurants like Chez Panisse.

像爱丽丝的切斯在伯克利,加利福尼亚州,Panisse水域绿色厨师已经成为国家超级巨星,和本地采购已经成为在布鲁克林,伯克利和臀部之间的餐馆必须的。Green chefs like Alice Waters of Chez Panisse in Berkeley, Calif. , have become national superstars, and local sourcing has become a must for hip restaurants in Brooklyn, Berkeley and in between.