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他是奥地利人。He's Austrian.

他是一位奥地利钢琴家。He is an Austrian pianist.

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她的丈夫是个奥地利人。Her husband is an Austrian.

埃文,薛定谔也是澳大利亚人。Erwin Schrodinger also an Austrian.

奥地利文化论坛,北京,中国。Austrian Cultural Forum, Beijing, China.

弗朗兹?舒伯特是一位奥地利作曲家。Franz Schubert was an Austrian composer.

宜兰线上的奥地利制架线工程车群。A series of Austrian made wiring vehicles.

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我隔着铁丝网望望奥军的阵地。I looked across the wire at the Austrian lines.

奥地利的国会由两个议院组成。The Austrian parliament consists of two chambers.

耶利内克是奥地利极具争议的女作家。Jelinek is a highly controversial Austrian writer.

这是医院第五次接待奥地利中医实习团。Hospital to receive Austrian TCM academy delegation.

无框框架奥地利水晶详细的庙宇。Rimless frame with Austrian crystal detail at temples.

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而实际上,海耶克是个奥地利人。Their source was Friedrich Hayek, in fact an Austrian.

一座小木屋!那个白色标记就是奥地利的国花--火绒草。A hut! The white logo is austrian national flower? Edelweiss.

库图佐夫停住了脚步,和一位奥国将军谈话。Kutuzov stood still in conversation with an Austrian general.

无论怎样,这面旗帜和奥军的比起来更小。In any case, as with the Austrian this flag is much too small.

当我开始咳嗽时,我把这事怪在抽奥地利的香烟上。When I began to cough, I blamed it on the Austrian cigarettes.

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在奥地利萨尔茨堡的劳弗尔,冰柱挂在屋顶上。Icicles hang from a roof in Lofer, Austrian province of Salzburg.

奥地利制养路车,和台铁的很像,只是小了好几号。An Austrian road maintenance vehicle like the TRA has, but smaller.

但从奥地利学派的角度看,现实却是恰恰相反的。But seen through Austrian eyes, the truth is precisely the opposite.