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乔迪12岁的时候,他收到了一封信,信来自他的居住地——纽约。One day when Jody was 12, he got a letter.

个位听众好,我是杨陈。欢迎大家到美语咖啡屋。Hello and welcome to American Cafe! My name's Jody.

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乔迪把发生在自己身上的这件事告诉了很多人。Jody told many people in his town what had happened.

欢迎大家到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。Hello everyone and welcome to American Cafe! My name"s Jody."

乔迪•杰勒德在十岁的时候决定要找一份工作。Jody Gerard was 10 years old when he decided he needed a job.

冬天又来临的时候,乔迪把虫子移进屋里,这样它们就安然地过冬了。When winter came Jody took the worms inside so they would stay warm.

珍妮和乔迪在一起的时候,她为了存活,把自己的灵和肉分开。Janie distances herself from her emoions in order to survive with Jody.

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各位听众好,欢迎到美语咖啡屋,我是杨晨。Hello. Welcome to American Cafe. I'm Jody. So, Yang Chen, this is a big.

像乔迪一样销售商品的孩子可以免税。Children like Jody can now sell things without paying money to the state.

乔迪灵活机动,浑身散发着自由的气息,充满着雄心和力量。Jody exudes possibility and freedom because he bursts with ambition and power.

不知道这是什么意思,我把山逊发送的图像描述给乔迪。Not knowing what this meant, I shared the images Samson was sending with Jody.

电视台把与乔迪的谈话放在电视上播映,很多人都知道了此事。They showed a film on television of their talk with Jody. Many people saw it.

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他把这些虫子放进干净的泥土里,整个夏天一直给它们喂水、树叶和谷物。Jody put the worms in clean dirt. He gave them water, leaves, and corn all summer.

乔迪正被他所信奉的做事原则引入歧途。Jody acts according to the rules that make sense to him, misguided though they are.

乔蒂·海吉尔,多伦多安大略大学艺术设计系教师。Illustrator Jody Hewgill teaches at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto.

舍克特尔在1977年开季首站阿根廷大奖赛中,代表沃尔夫车队取得胜利。Jody Scheckter gave Wolf a maiden win in the 1977 Argentine Grand Prix at Buenos Aires.

总是没人跟乔迪一起玩,你和萨莉难道不能邀请她过来和你们一起玩吗?Jody has no one to play with. Why don't you invite her over to play with you and Sally.

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乔迪12岁的时候,他收到了一封信,信来自他的居住地——纽约。One day when Jody was 12, he got a letter. It was from the state of New York, where he lived.

乔迪乐文自告奋勇地教圣昆廷学院计划在1963九十九个。Jody Lewen volunteered to teach in the college program at San Quentin in nineteen ninety-nine.

尽管坐在闷热的火车里经过长途旅行,简到达时仍然显得干净整齐,容光焕发。In spite of the long, hot train ride, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox.