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我还是去看了在保育箱里的Ilaria。I went to see Ilaria in her incubator.

孩子在恒温箱里待了两个多星期。They kept her in an incubator for two weeks.

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她还给了我十个鹅蛋拿去人工孵化。She also gave me ten goose eggs for the incubator.

中国的留学生创业园从本质上说是一个孵化器。Chinese Students' Pioneer Park is essentially an incubator.

SEE区第一个恒温室设计现已开放。The first design incubator in the region of SEE is now open.

在恒温箱里,早产宝宝身上带满了各种医疗器械。Medical equipment surrounds this premature baby in an incubator.

蛋可以由雌蟒或者人工用孵蛋器孵化。Eggs can be incubated by the female or artificially in an incubator.

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塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德动物园,一头名叫狄佳娜的小袋鼠被放在孵化器里喂养。A baby kangaroo named Tijana is seen in the incubator in Belgrade zoo.

例如,2007年的学生团队设计了婴儿育养器。Take the baby incubator designed by the 2007 student team, for example.

相对地,光度与保温箱机龄之间并不具有相关性。However, the irradiance did not correlate with the age of the incubator.

你妈是个丑八怪,她出生时保温箱的玻璃都变色。Yo momma's so ugly, when she was born her incubator windows were tinted.

节省空间的低温培养箱主要用于小工作量的实验。Space-saving low temperature incubator is ideal for small volume workloads.

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眼下小小的情况还很不稳定,正在新生儿暖箱里接受24小时特护。He is now in critical condition and under 24-hour special care in an incubator.

每到春天,总有一对燕子来我家孵化小燕。In spring, there will always be a pair of swallows to my home Xiaoyan incubator.

他打算每年在孵化器中培育三到五家企业。He plans to spin between three and five companies out of the incubator each year.

Misc孵化器包包含一个挑选出来的单任务组件集合。The Misc incubator package contains an eclectic collection of one-task components.

或者其他的一些孵化项目中的一个。你得到资金后,就可以至少开始启。TechStars, or one of many other incubator programs. You'll have the funding then to.

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泰达华生生物园是由归国留学生创建的专业孵化器。TEDA Watson Bio-tech Park is a specialized incubator established by overseas scholars.

这座建筑的屋顶用于公园的道路网,它容纳了一家业务孵化器。The building gives its roof to the park's paths network and hosts a business incubator.

昨天中午,郑州市中心医院,康康静静地躺在暖箱中睡觉。Yesterday at noon, Zhengzhou Central Hospital, Kankan lying quietly sleeping incubator.