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明珠暗投。Cast pearls before swine.

还记得猪流感或千年虫吗?Do you remember swine flu?

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但是它是否存在一种猪的基因呢。But it has a swine gene?...

用甘肃黑猪。Gansu Black Swine was used.

不要对牛弹琴。Don't cast pearls before swine.

猪丹毒怎么治疗?How is swine erysipelas treated?

莫将珍珠投猪。/不要对牛弹琴。Do not cast your pearls before swine.

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猪流感能传染人类么?Q2. Can swine influenza infect humans?

我为你们做了这么多,你们这些猪猡!After all I've done for you, you swine.

猪圈里有几头猪。There are several swine in the piggery.

猪流感“又叫甲型H1N1流感。The swine flu's scientific name is H1N1.

你简直是在对牛弹琴。You are just casting pearls before swine.

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接种猪流感疫苗都比买到“猪猪宠物”容易些。It's even easier to get a swine flu vaccine.

人类感染猪流感能被治愈么?Q6. Can swine influenza in humans be treated?

乐平猪是江西地方猪种。Leping swine is a local breed in Jiangxi province.

小小的看起来像切成块的小鸡鸡的猪尾巴汤。Little phalic stumps of swine end in a porky broth.

现在我觉得我只是在对牛弹琴罢了。Now I think I was just casting pearls before swine.

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是否抗滤过性病原体药物可以治疗猪流感?Can swine flu be treated with antiviral medications?

不要把你的泪珠投给猪儿。Cast not your pearls before swine. —English Proverb.

一天后,它们给猪传染上了手足口病病毒。One day later, they infected the swine with FMD virus.