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他搜遍了整个屋子。He searched throughout the room.

物价始终保持稳定。Prices remain stable throughout.

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毛毛雨下了一夜。It drizzled throughout the night.

牛毛细雨下了一整夜。It drizzled throughout the night.

她从头到尾对这个电影都不感兴趣。She was bored throughout the film.

我们的一生中,都会面临诱惑。We all get tempted throughout life.

她名扬全欧洲。Her name resounded throughout Europe.

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通过这区域消声是必须的.Sneak is needed throughout this area.

供出租的汽车则停放在城市的大街小巷。Cars are parked throughout their city.

医生给做他全身检查。The doctor has a check throughout him.

同样的原则适用于各处。The same principle applies throughout.

正与邪贯穿了他的一生。Working with evil throughout his life.

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他的名声传遍全国。His fame spread throughout the country.

这消息传遍全国。The news spread throughout the country.

整个建筑响起了警报声。An alarm sounds throughout the building.

在我们的一生中其形态都在改变。It changes its form throughout our life.

每一天,每一秒,不断练习。Practice throughout your day, every day.

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她的童年都在戴齿列矫正器。She had braces throughout her childhood.

记牌要贯穿整个游戏的始终。Note cards throughout the game to always.

大火损毁了整幢建筑。The fire havocked throughout the building.