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该书充满了尾声。The book is also replete with codas.

真正的幽默是充满著智慧。Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.

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社会里充满了激动效应的例子。Society is replete with examples of the vividness effect.

但金融的历史是充满泡沫和危机的。But financial history is replete with bubbles and crashes.

本网站有很多故事、视频、常见问题、演讲以及更多其他内容。This website is replete with stories, videos, FAQs, speeches and more.

我们可以想象到这是一个缓慢的过程并充满了大量的硬焦点。We can assume that this was a slow process replete with lots of hard focus.

历史充满了战争,侵略,有计划的灭种,屠杀和帝国的建立。History is replete with examples of wars, invasions, genocides, and empire building.

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这里处处有景,景景有故事,充满着迷离的神话色彩。Each scenic spot here has a story behind it. It's a place replete with mythical charm.

因此之故,救恩史中不乏要求我们斋戒的场合。For this reason, the history of salvation is replete with occasions that invite fasting.

书用被工作的在每章的末端提供的例子和问题充满。The book is replete with worked examples and problems provided at the end of each chapter.

批评者指责该节目充斥着对男同性恋和论述阴柔之气的一些陈词滥调。The critics blamed the show was "replete with the sort of clichés about gay men and effeminacy ".

生吃亲娘真是罪大恶极的事,可在动物世界,这种怪异事件可谓屡见不鲜。Eating your mom alive is pretty disrespectful but the animal world is replete with strange things.

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或许你手中装满葡萄酒的玻璃杯也需要一个歇脚的地方。Probably the place that replete vinous glass also needs a stop on the way for a rest in your hand.

历史充满帐目战专家选择适当时机,影响战斗。History is replete with accounts of expert tacticians choosing the proper moment to impact the battle.

长期的分裂,分争历史,使德国的历史充满了浓厚的封建军国主义。Long-term split between sub-history, so that Germany's history is replete with strong feudal militarism.

遭到同样命运的还有珍稀动物馆,那里生活着鹿以及美洲驼“亲戚”--来自南美的原驼。So too has the Rare Animal Range, replete with deer and guanaco, a South American relative of the llama.

其他流派的诗歌也充满了引自本生故事的事件、人物。Poems of other genre are replete with allusions to incidents and personalities drawn from jataka stories.

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垦丁国家公园有自己的夏威夷式海滩,连椰子树和暴露的女郎都不缺。Kenting National Park has its own Hawaiian beaches, replete with coconut trees and scantily-dressed women.

于是政府兴修了公路、铁路,在市区外建起了超大型工业园区,铺设了最新式的远程通讯网络。It set up an enormous industrial park outside the city, replete with state-of-the-art telecommunications networks.

右边是一只尚未吞食的工蚁,左边是一只半饱满的蜂蜜蚂蚁。At center is a full replete, to the right is an unengorged worker, and to the left is a partially-engorged replete.