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我愿意为你去卖身,可以吧?I would like for you to prostitution , can you?

事实上,她的姐妹圈子里有几个人知道这件事。In fact, a few women in her prostitution ring knew.

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博、宴饮、听歌、押妓,他什么都做。Bo, the banquet, songs, prostitution charge, what he has done.

职业是对女孩子极度的摧残。Prostitution is a profession that devastates the lives of young women.

因为我里面涉及到了妓女、强奸、滥用毒品和恋尸癖,because I deal with prostitution and rape and drug abuse and necrophilia,

一旦召雏妓指控成立,他可能将被判15年。Once the call set up prostitution charges, he could be sentenced to 15 years.

军装宫妓扫蛾浅,摇摇锦旗夹城暖。Temple prostitution sweep moth uniform light, shaking warm City banner folder.

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这下,兰再也没法重操旧业了,因为海的行为改变了她。And now, she can’t go back to the prostitution because his self act changed her.

近代意义上的废娼思想产生于20世纪初。The modern abolition prostitution ideals arose in the early part of the 20th century.

他声言支持娼妓合法化,定会遭人抨击。He went out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution.

新中国一成立便迅速采取有力措施禁娼。Immediately after its founding, New China adopted resolute measures to outlaw prostitution.

阿荷拉归我之后行邪淫,贪恋所爱的人,就是她的邻邦亚述人。Her sister Oholibah saw this, yet in her lust and prostitution she was more depraved than her sister.

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然而在外务工多年后,邓某因嫖娼埋下了一场悲剧的祸根。However, after many years of outstanding workers, Dengmou for prostitution buried seeds of a tragedy.

艾略特·斯皮策因嫖妓丑闻而备受辞职压力。Pressure is mounting on Eliot Spitzer to resign following his alleged role in a prostitution scandal.

校长按照殷彩霞的意思将她寄回的一笔笔嫖资全都用于改善小学的教学条件上。He put all the prostitution money onto improving the teaching facilities according to Caixia's wishes.

原话是这么说的,现在是笑贫不笑娼的时代。His original words sound like that, now it is an age when poverty instead of prostitution is laughed at.

比如把在泰国卖淫的女性解救出来,向她们提供可持续的收入。such as taking women out of Thailand who are in prostitution and providing them with sustainable income.

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四年前,普罗霍罗夫曾因涉嫌召妓在法国接受调查,并遭到短暂拘押。Four years ago, Prokhorov Zengyin suspected prostitution investigation in France and was briefly detained.

台员过去一年内得诶兹病耶患者增加三倍,有一半是位娼妓染著耶。The number of AIDS cases in Daiwan tripled in the past year, and over half were spread through prostitution.

娼妓制度的存废是衡量妇女解放程度和社会文明水平的标志之一。Keeping or abolishing prostitution is one of standards to measure women's liberation and social civilization.