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来体验乐高顶级藏品的魅力吧。Fascination of a true collectioner.

令你由日到夜都能为你的面容增添光彩。Fascination added to your face from day and night.

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珍本图书对图书工作人员很有魅力。Rare books have a great fascination for librarians.

多民族是获得快乐和魅力的不涸之源。Variety is an unending source of joy and fascination.

旧城堡对我具有某种奇特的魅力。Old castles have a certain strange fascination for me.

这便是古钱币对于老年人同样也是对年轻人的魅力所在。Such is the fascination of coins for old and young alike.

但他对时代广场的生活有一种迷恋。But he has this fascination with the life in Times Square.

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女书作品是有着独特魅力的民间文学。Nü Shu works are folklores which have special fascination.

我五岁的儿子对摩托车有强烈的爱好。Our son, at age of five, had a fascination for motorcycles.

火星对未来的星际旅客说有着特殊的魅力。Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would-be voyagers.

火星对未来的星际旅客来说有着特殊的魅力。Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would-be voyagers.

观众越看越着迷。The audience watched the performance with growing fascination.

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即使是最简单的物体,在微距模式下也会展现出迷人的新面容。Even the simplest object takes on new fascination in macro mode.

广大观众一直迷恋于他的来信。His letters have been a source of fascination to a wide audience.

我们认为,关键是平衡安全性和孩子的好奇。We believe the trick is balancing safety and kiddo's fascination.

古玩店对许多人来说都有一种特殊的魅力。Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.

即将来临的每一秒钟,都有着未知的魔力。Around the corner of every second, the fascination of the unknown.

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在我混乱的脑海中,惊奇和厌恶对彼此张牙舞爪。Fascination and disgust clawed at one another in my confused mind.

刑事犯的大脑一直让詹姆斯-法伦着迷。The criminal brain has always held a fascination for James Fallon.

霍尔西是如何看待民主党人对克林顿的迷恋呢?What does Horsey think of the Democrats' fascination with Clinton?