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他摆出他那副绅士派头。He donned his gentlemanly attitude.

他们还更具绅士风度。They're also much more gentlemanly.

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但君子爱财,取之有道。But gentlemanly love Choi, to the way.

还有比这身装扮更具绅士风度的吗?Can you get more gentlemanly than this?

耍滑使坏谁不会,只是君子不屑为之。Shuagushihuai who will not only gentlemanly disdain it.

在他穿的衣服成形针织和他的绅士风度。Fashioned in the clothes he wears and in his gentlemanly manners.

英国男子曾被认为是世界上最有绅士风度的人。Englishmen were regarded as the most gentlemanly people in the world.

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他的每一个姿势,在脸上那一抹微笑的映衬下,总是如此风度翩翩。With a small smile on his face, every gestures he made was gentlemanly.

打板球也就意味着要举止得体。Playing cricket is also meant to be synonymous with gentlemanly behaviour.

他完全可能是一个怪癖的地主,也完全可能是一个体面的农夫。He might with equal probability have been an eccentric landowner or a gentlemanly ploughman.

别人不了解自己的贤能,自己也不怨恨,不也是君子的品性吗?Not to feel piqued when your merits are not recognised by others, isn't that also gentlemanly?

英国人有他们自己的风格品味,那就是尽其所能地保持随和且绅士般的优雅。The British have their own sense of style which at best is all about an easy, gentlemanly elegance.

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听说英国男人都很绅士,什么都是女士优先。I've heard that Englishmen are all very gentlemanly . They always give women preferential treatment.

你雇他们时,一定要先小人后君子,讲明规格、要求与价格。When you hire them, you've got little after gentlemanly , clear specifications, requirements and prices.

乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.

在柳树下来回地作绅士的散步,舒息划行的疲劳。Under the willow trees, they were walking back and forth gentlemanly to relieve their fatigue from paddling.

我敢说我们已经干得够多了,弄点儿乐趣也是咱们应得的”,乔一边说,一边像个绅士一样检查着自己的鞋跟。I'm sure we work hard enough to earn it, ' cried Jo, examining the heels of her shoes in a gentlemanly manner.

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风度翩翩、谦逊有礼、外貌好气质佳,这些都是传统的绅士形象的特质。A chivalrous manner, respectfulness, politeness and good self-presentation are all traditional gentlemanly traits.

他这样做有失风度,也没气量,但就在他结婚之前给我写了一封道歉信,对他前一段的失控行为表示道歉。It's not very gentlemanly or gracious. But he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst, right before his wedding.

我站起来,出于一种想解除他的困窘的高尚念头,便站在门口,浏览外面的风景。I rose, and, from a gentlemanly idea of relieving his embarrassment, took up my station in the doorway, surveying the external prospect as I stood.