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动物会识数还有其他的隐性的好处。There are also other, less obvious, advantages of numeracy.

像素促使计算能力增强,它产生大量数据源源不断的汇进数据库。Pixels encourage numeracy and produce rivers of numbers flowing into databases.

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新的学习过程可以避免语言、算术等基本知识的遗忘。A new learning can prevent losses in the use of basic faculties such as language or numeracy.

未来的研究,研究者们决定观察计算力培训对糖尿病控制的影响。Future studies, the researchers conclude, should look at the effects of numeracy education on patients' diabetes control.

计算机的发明就是一个很好的例子。技术能够帮助我们更有效的工作同时提高了我们算数能力。The invention of computers is a good case. The technology assists us to work efficiently and greatly improve the numeracy of us.

本课程旨在提高幼儿部大、中班学生的英语拼音、读写、算数能力,帮他们自信地升入小学部学习。The program focuses on improving Kindergarten's Phonics, Literacy and Numeracy so that they can be well prepared to go to Primary School.

为了成功地传播科学,你必须从你的受众那里开始——特别是从他们的语言、计算技能和文化那里开始。To successfully communicate science, you must start where your audience is — particularly in terms of language, numeracy skills and culture.

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同样地,如果你应聘金融类职位,你必须突出你的数字敏感度和解决问题的能力,而应聘营销类岗位则要强调谈判技巧。Likewise if you are looking for a finance job, focus on numeracy and problem solving skills, whereas for marketing emphasise negotiating abilities.

学生必须回答检查他们综合知识、计算能力、英语水平和商业知识的多种选择题。Students would have to answer multiple-choice questions testing their general knowledge, numeracy , command of English and understanding of business.

班克斯敦高级学院毕业的学生都经过了正式的评审,提高了识字、算术和技术方面的能力,并具有独立思考的能力。Students graduate from the college with formal accreditation, enhanced skills in literacy, numeracy and technology, and the ability to think independently.

陶茨认为,任何具有充分发达的神经系统的动物,都可以在这个会识数就更具有竞争优势的环境下,发展出识数能力。Numerical ability might just emerge in any sufficiently advanced nervous system faced with an environment in which numeracy would prove an advantage, says Tautz.

该中心由阿富汗国家警察和英国士兵联合经营,其招募者学习警务技术、军事机能,还接受一些文化和算术课程。The centre is run by the Afghan national police and British soldiers, and recruits learn policing techniques, military skills and receive lessons in literacy and numeracy.

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英国政府已承诺要大力扩展学前教育,让所有儿童上学时具备基本的读写能力和计算能力。The Government has stated its commitment to a major expansion of pre-school education and wants all children to begin school with a basic foundation in literacy and numeracy.

政府已作出承诺,要大力发展学前教育,使所有的儿童在开始上学的时候在识字和识数方面都有一点基础。The Government has stated its commitment to a major expansion of pre-school education and wants all children to begin school with a basic foundation in literacy and numeracy.

如果教师热心教学,并知道如何有效利用学校的设备,学生便可借助新技术使读写能力和计算能力突飞猛进。But new technology can only put pupils on the fast track in literacy and numeracy if they have highly-motivated teachers who know how to make the best use of school equipment.

利用他们现有的文化水平和计算能力,你对于让人们准确而清晰地充分理解结论和支持它的证据负有责任。You are responsible for accurately and clearly making the conclusions and supporting evidence fully understandable to people, using their existing literacy and numeracy skills.

这项研究发表在糖尿病护理杂志上,研究者观察糖尿病人的长期血糖控制与计算能力是否有关。In the new study, published in the journal Diabetes Care, researchers looked at whether patients' diabetes-related "numeracy" was related to their long-term blood sugar control.

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他领导的政府制定了一整套初衷不错的执政目标,包括消除贫困孩子人口、减少二氧化碳排放、增加识字识数人群。His government set itself a whole raft of well-meaning targets for everything from eliminating child poverty to reducing carbon-dioxide emissions and increasing literacy and numeracy.

同时,开发中国家需要至少具备基本识字与数理能力的劳工,以方便职场上训练与安全程序的沟通。Meanwhile, developing economies require workers to have at least basic literacy and numeracy skills to facilitate better communication of training and safety procedures in the workplace.