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戴尔伸了伸腰。Dale stretched.

你好,戴乐,我有一把新小刀。Hi, Dale. I have a new knife.

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但是钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝也想要它们。But Chip and Dale want them, too.

钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝已穿戴整齐。Chip and Dale are all dressed up.

我叫。Dale Martin My name is Dale Martin.

山陵、溪谷夸说你的幸福。Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.

无论山丘林间、溪谷与平原、That hills and valleys, dale and field

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戴乐买了一些普通的文具。Dale bought some plain blue stationery.

钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝喜欢听克拉瑞丝歌唱。Chip and Dale love to hear Clarice sing.

我们不希望看到你在再次发怒,戴尔。We wouldn't want you tohave another incident, Dale.

戴尔宣称他能校政苏的汽车轮胎。Dale claimed that he could realign Sue's car wheels.

然后,她会去戴尔哈伍德的店铺的意见。Then she would go to Dale Harwood's shop for advice.

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我们不希望看到你在再次发怒,戴尔。We wouldn't want you to have another incident, Dale.

她从口袋里拿出一个厚厚的信封,递给戴尔。She took a thick envelope out of her pocket. Handed it to Dale.

之后她会去餐厅等戴尔·奥班宁。After that she'd go to the restaurant to wait for Dale O'Banion.

他是生命之光广播电台的节目部经理。Dale was the Executive Producer for World Christian Broadcasting.

他告诉玛丽莎·库珀他的名字叫戴尔·奥班宁。That's right. He'd told Marissa Cooper his name was Dale O'Banion.

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迈克尔擅长打篮球,所以,他常教戴尔打篮球。Michael is good at it. So, he often teaches Dale to play basketball.

在这个原则的画室老师是戴尔雷德帕斯和何秀兰柳条。The principle instructors at The Atelier are Dale Redpath and Cyd Wicker.

家俊·达勒·温博士,第三世界网络研究者与顾问。Dr. Jiajun Dale Wen is a researcher and consultant for Third World Network.