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面发起来了。The dough has risen.

米价已经上涨了。The rice price has risen.

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水位高涨。The water level has risen.

月亮还没有升起。The moon has not yet risen.

价格直线上升。Price has risen perpendicularly.

中国肉类的人均年消费量从仅4千克达到了54千克。In China it has risen from 4kg to 54.

月亮已升到地平线之上。The moon has risen above the horizon.

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今朝基督政复生,哈利路亚!Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!

他们在各自的领域都是顶尖人才。They have risen to the top of their fields.

假若他未曾从朽腐的洞穴复活If from that moldering cell He had not risen

坎伯兰河的水位上升了超过50英尺。The Cumberland River has risen above 50 feet.

他是个行伍出身的将军。He was a general who had risen from the ranks.

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他们克服了早期的那些困难。They had risen above their early difficulties.

水位已上升到了警戒水位。The water level has risen to the warning stage.

一轮明月在东方升起。A beautiful , moon has risen in the eastern sky.

股指已经从一周前的低点开始上涨。Stocks have risen from their lows of a week ago.

今年,平均入学年龄重新回到了27岁。This year, the average age has risen back to 27.

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他已见过复活之主,于愿足矣。He had seen the Risen Lord and that was sufficient.

画的题材倒确实活脱脱地浮此刻我脑海里。The subjects had, indeed, risen vividly on my mind.

他敢于接受挑战,并且也获得了胜利。He has risen to the challenge. And he has triumphed.