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遂行剖腹探查及肿瘤切除。A laparotomy was performed and the tumor was resected.

发生腹腔内出血的病例以行开腹手术为宜。For cases with internal hemorrhage, Laparotomy is the best choice.

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在抗菌法发明以前,剖腹手术是不常做的。Before the introduction of antisepsis, laparotomy was not usually performed.

膈疝可分别应用剖腹手术或腹腔镜进行修补。The hernia defects were repaired through laparotomy and laparoscopy respectively.

对这样的病人,既使腹内有游离气体,剖腹深查通常也不十分必要。Laparotomy is usually not beneficial even in the presence of free intra-abdominal gas.

陷入地雷阵的敌兵全被游击队歼灭,松井剖腹自杀。The enemy into a minefield all been wiped out the guerrillas, Matsui laparotomy suicide.

因此,病人常因为”可切除的胰脏肿瘤”的诊断而接受原可避免的手术。Most of the patients receive laparotomy under the impression of resectable pancreatic tumor.

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结论凡无手术禁忌证的患者均应开腹探查。Conclusion Laparotomy must be performed in all patients while there were no contraindications.

这次手术是中国也是世界上有文字记载的最早的大型剖腹手术病例。This operation was the earliest recorded large-scale laparotomy both in China and in the world.

第二个病例是,94岁男性一,预进行剖腹探查术。The second case, a 94-year-old male with senile dementia was arranged for exploratory laparotomy.

CT检查后7小时进行了剖腹手术,发现疝囊内存活的空肠肠襻。At laparotomy performed 7 hours after CT, the herniated jejunal loops were viable with no gangrene.

目的比较腹腔镜术与剖腹术两种手术方法行良性卵巢囊肿剥除术的效果。Objective To compare the results of laparoscopy and laparotomy in cystectomy of benign ovarian cysts.

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纤维结肠镜肠道减压或剖腹肠道减压是有效的治疗和诊断方法。Intestinal tract decompression through fibro- colonoscope or exploratory laparotomy was an effective method.

经过检查后,病童在腹内出血的诊断下接受紧急手术。Based on the impression of internal bleeding, an emergent laparotomy was performed after fluid resuscitation.

目的探讨婴幼儿腹部手术期间采取保温干预对其凝血功能及出血量的影响。Objective To explore the effects of the hypothermia on coagulation and blood loss during laparotomy in infants.

这位医学院学生吓了一跳,伸手去够托盘,却失手打翻了一整叠手术棉。Startled into action, the medical student reached toward the tray and knocked over the stack of laparotomy pads.

方法所有病例于剖腹探查术前1周内行经腹彩色多普勒血流图检查。Methods All patients in the laparotomy 1 week before experts transabdominal color Doppler flow imaging examination.

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方法62例均剖胸探查,同期有40例剖腹手术,其他系统损伤28例,手术22例。Methods Thoracotomy was performed on 62 cases, while laparotomy was performed on 40 cases, and other operations 22.

目的探讨经肝圆韧带进腹法的临床应用价值。Objective To discuss the clinical application of modified procedure of laparotomy through ligamentum teres hepatis.

开刀剖腹时发现总胆管撕裂伤并且以总胆管切开术及T型成功治疗。Common bile duct laceration was noted at laparotomy and was successfully treated by choledochotomy and T-tube stent.