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像一个汇集了各种事物的大杂烩。like a melange of all different sort of things.

诚然,一份目录,就其本质来说便应当是混杂的。Granted that a catalog is by its very nature a mélange.

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影片的好奇混杂的方言不仅强调了这一点质量。The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality.

再也没有巨大的沙虫四处游荡,生产香料。No longer does the giant sandworm roam free, producing the spice melange.

所谓的“混杂岩”,尚需进一步工作求证。The so-called"Palaeozoic melange"in Jilin Province appears to need further study.

该断裂带由构造混杂带和推覆构造带两个构造单元组成。The fracture is composed of the tectonic melange zone and the nappe structure zone.

初步总结了西金乌兰蛇绿构造棍杂岩带的演化过程。The evolution progress of the The Xijir Ulan tectonic melange belt is summarized primarily.

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探讨了双常数库贝尔卡-芒克理论用于混色纤维配色。Using dual-constant Kubelka-Munk theory for colour matching of melange fibres is discussed.

该蛇绿混杂岩带是义敦碰撞造山带大地构造相中的弧前混杂带相。The ophiolite melange zone represents forearc melange facies of the Yidun collision orogens.

我和你在一起的时候很开心,你精通于煮蕃茄酱,干乳酪,碎肉和面条的杂烩。I'm happy when I'mwith you, you melange of tomato paste, ricotta cheese, ground meat and pasta.

干邑里面是数百种罕见的生命之水的争夺,混杂岩年龄为25-130年之间。The cognac inside is a mèlange of hundreds of rare eaux-de-vies, aged for between 25-130 years.

打开酒瓶可以闻到一阵辛辣味和巧克力味。Once the wine is allowed to open up, a mélange of savoury spices and mint chocolate are released.

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后院是混杂的破旧柚木家具,几块草地和一把拍动状的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

后院是一个放杂物的地方,破旧的柚木家具,块状的碎玻璃,和可以作为打击物的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

蛇绿混杂岩破碎混合作用记录了一种递进变形的应变历史。The disrupting and mingling of the melange may record a strain history of progressive deformation.

干沟-米什沟蛇绿混杂岩带的变形运动学与科克苏高压变质岩带变形特征完全一致。The kinematics of Gangou ophiolitic mélange is consistent with that of Kekesu HP metamorphic rocks.

奥陶纪—志留纪大致沿勉略构造带形成南秦岭裂陷槽。A rift trough along Mianxian -Lueyang ophiolitic melange belt was formed from Ordovician to Silurian.

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这儿否则巴黎,否则康尼岛游乐场,这是欧洲和中美洲所有都市中尚未开化的大杂烩。It is not Coney Isearth. It is a crepuscular melange of all the cities of Europe and Central America.

万宝沟岩群是东昆仑造山带一套构造—沉积混杂堆积地层,由外来系统和基质系统两部分组成。The Wanbaogou Group-complex is made of exotic blocks and matrix strata of a tectonic-sedimentary mélange.

重点论述了甘孜地区三条构造混杂岩带的物质组成、变形特征和形成机制。Composition, deformation and genetic mechanism of three tectonic melange zones in Garze area are discussed.