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马弯其颈。The horse arched its neck.

脚垫结实,足爪圆拱。Pads strong and feet arched.

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猫气得拱起了背。The cat has arched its back.

一弯彩虹悬挂在天空。A bright rainbow arched above.

派克疑惑着眉毛拱了起来。Pike's brows arched doubtfully.

一道彩虹横跨天际。A rainbow arched across the sky.

猫气得拱起了背。The cat arched her back in anger.

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弯弯的是你的眉开。Your arched eyebrows arches finely.

树枝像兽爪似的,在头顶上搭成拱形。Branches arched like claws over-head.

那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。The street is over arched by ginkgoes.

他假装吃惊地耸起双眉。He arched his eyebrows in mock surprise.

风把树吹得弯向路面。The wind arched the trees over the path.

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风使树成拱形覆盖公路。The wind arched the trees over the road.

颈部是坚强有力的中度拱形。The neck is strong and moderately arched.

再一次弓形的亚麻眉毛,“你这麽认为。The flaxen brow arched again, You think so.

我看到河上有一座石拱桥。I saw an arched stone bridge over the river.

道路被浓密的树荫遮覆着。The road was arched over with thick foliage.

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他拱起身子越过栏杆去抓她的手。He arched over the banister to grab her hand.

他看到河上有一座石头拱桥。He saw an arched stone bridge over the river.

猫看见那只狗时拱起了背。The cat arched her back when she saw the dog.