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一头野山羊。A wild goat.

他们吃的是野果。They eat wild fruits.

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羽海野绘制!Feather sea wild draw!

荒野求生秘技第2季全。Man Vs. Wild season 2.

荒野求生秘技第3季全。Man Vs. Wild season 3.

荒野求生秘技第6季全。Man Vs. Wild season 6.

驯服了那些烈马?The wild horses tamed?

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搭乘着野鹅的翅膀。Upon a wild goose wing.

火使野兽不敢靠近。Fire repels wild animals.

我养的小野猫。I raise a small wild cat.

物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。Prices were running wild.

谁是野兽派画家?Who were the Wild Beasts?

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她焦急万分。She was wild with anxiety.

他象野兽般地咆哮起来。He raved like a wild beast.

他正在用套索套一匹野马。He was roping a wild horse.

让你的思想肆意奔跑。Let your thoughts run wild.

西陲野地的小溪!Wild streamlet of the West!

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野鹅生蛋可驯化。A wild goose lay a tame egg.

这件新闻像野火一样地传开了。The news ran like wild fire.

然后有两只野雁飞过来。And then two wild geese came.