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但是超人并不意味着超自然。But superhuman does not mean supernatural.

现在,他们会幻想那是超人的无畏壮举。For now, they'll imagine superhuman feats of daring.

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哦哇!你没有得到柳宿的怪力吧?没有吧?Ow! Ya didn't get Nuriko's superhuman strength, did ya?

在扑克界,他是超人的代名词。His reputation among card- shufflers borders on the superhuman.

人们开始觉得他超人一等。People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him.

因为并不能保证人人都会把超能力用于好的方面。There's no guarantee all will use superhuman abilities for good.

“真难以置信,”他朋友说,“你一定有一对顺风耳!”"That's incredible, " said his friend. "You must have superhuman ears! "

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药物不能使你成为超人,但可以使你回到最佳状态。They don't make you superhuman. They will just bring you back to your best.

好像有股超人般的力量把我吸出了机舱,耳边响起几声巨响,我全身像触电一样抖得厉害,这使我感到麻木。I felt myself sucked out by a superhuman force. There were several explosions.

在此基础上,资本高手曹国伟再度体现了其超人的速度。On this basis, the capital master Cao Wei again reflects his superhuman speed.

当谈到挣钱时,他们也被当做是拥有超能力的异类。And they, too, are thought to have superhuman powers when it comes to making money.

这些超人的技能在中国的不同朝代曾被褒奖或贬抑。These superhuman skills had at times been rewarded or punished by Chinese dynasties.

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我体会到,除岁月飞逝以外,没有什么超人的幸福,更没有永恒。I learn that there is no superhuman happiness, no eternity outside the sweep of days.

也许,我们真的确实相信我们有过人的品质,没有什么事情是太多。Perhaps we really do believe we have superhuman qualities and that nothing is too much.

还有超人气偶像担任评委助阵现场!Still God of superhuman vital energy holds the position of a commissioner to help a site!

圣经里写的都是人类,而不是超人类的,而且里面的人类活动,有很多花边新闻。The Bible abounds with human not superhuman beings, and their behavior can be scandalous.

然而,他除非是超人才不会对新闻界褒我贬他感到愤懑。But he would have been superhuman had he not resented the contrast between us by the media.

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他们看见莫雷尔以超人的力量抱住那只坐着诺瓦梯埃的圈椅,把老人抬上楼来。Morrel was seen carrying, with superhuman strength, the arm-chair containing Noirtier up-stairs.

谁又能抵住诱惑,不去幻想拥有超人的特异功能会是什么样呢?Who can resist daydreaming what it might be like to have superhuman powers that no one else has?

身怀绝技的马山狐狸只身闯入敌营,掳了北国太子回来。The fox which has superhuman power alone intrudes into enemy's camp, and captures enemy's prince.