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他是个吝啬鬼。He is such a tightwad.

但是极其抠门的人不喜欢成为吝啬鬼。But a tightwad doesn't like being a tightwad.

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因此,老公说,“你真是名副其实的‘吝啬鬼’啊!Then the Husband said, "You are really Ms. Tightwad."

也许她吝啬的态度是延续了她家庭的做法。Maybe her tightwad attitude is her way to keep from ending up like her family.

你拼命工作试着得到加薪,可老板是个吝啬鬼。You are just spinning your wheels trying to get a raise, the boss is a tightwad.

我想把印度也加到明智的花钱者中,吝啬但他们是最好的。I may want to add India another wise- spender , tightwad but they opt for the best.

但这种区分对我来说毫无意义,我节俭因为我是个吝啬鬼,反过来说我是个吝啬鬼所以我节俭。But the distinction is lost on me. I'm thrifty because I'm a tightwad and vice versa.

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我知道不该这么想,但是我不喜欢对我说谎,而且她还是如此的吝啬。I know I should let this go, but I don't like being lied to and she's such a tightwad.

我知道,我应该忘记这个,但是我不喜欢撒谎者和小气鬼。I know I should let this go, but I don't like being lied to and she's such a tightwad.

当我在旅行时打开钱包时,母亲的忠告就完全忘记,我的坏习惯又回来了。My normally tightwad mother would open her purse with abandon when we were traveling, and I’ve never quite shaken the habit.

亨利说,当时他们每天都会收到10多张支票,那些寄信人在其支票上均写明希望在该银行开户,并且要求得到一些那里开出的支票。Up to a dozen checks would arrive daily, each with a note asking for an account and a batch of Tightwad Bank checks, Henry said.

这家银行坐落在位于该州克林顿市与华沙市之间的密苏�7号公路旁一个就叫做吝啬鬼的小镇上,它是在22年前以小额资本开始自己的经营之路的。The Tightwad Bank opened on a shoestring 22 years ago in the small community along Missouri 7 halfway between Clinton and Warsaw.

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还记得那些穿着宽短裤的吝啬鬼,经常抱怨和叫嚷着为什么没有可以讲英语的当地人而得名“来自地狱”的丑陋的美国人吗?Remember the tightwad tourist whose baggy shorts, frequent complaining and shouted questions about why none of the locals spoke any English made the ugly American the world's Visitor from Hell?